The Durham Meadows Waterline Project includes the installation of approximately 30,000 linear feet of water main and an 800,000 gallon water storage tank to bring clean water from Middletown, CT to 120 local homes and businesses in Durham, CT, including the Coginchaug High School, Strong Middle School and the Durham Fairgrounds. The new tank will provide gravity pressure for the water distribution system and storage for fire protection. The new water main will also allow the municipal water supply wells at the Fairgrounds to be closed. The water supply wells located on each property receiving a water line connection will either be abandoned or converted to a monitoring well. The figure on this page shows the areas where the water line, tank, and other structures will be constructed.
The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) was hired by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to award and manage the $26.6M contract to Ludlow Construction Inc. of Ludlow, MA, to execute the project, which is expected to be completed in 2021. Work will not occur on Route 17 beginning 5 days prior to the Durham Fair and extending until one day after the Durham Fair.
As of the pre-2021 construction meeting held March 25, 2021, the project team has installed all main waterline except for Maiden Lane Stream Crossing, installed 49 fire hydrants and all planned curb stops, completed permanent trench pavement on Main Street (Rte. 17) and Wallingford Road, completed construction of the Cherry Hill Water Storage Tank, and installed the Pressure Reducing Valve Vault. Work scheduled for 2021 includes Long Hill Pump Station upgrades, Maiden Lane Stream Crossing, construction of the Altitude Valve Vault, Booster Pump Station, and Water Meter Vault, Tank painting, full water service connections in residential homes, groundwater well abandonments and final paving. A full presentation of this information is available here.
For more information on the Durham Meadows Superfund Site, please visit the EPA web page at
Updated June 7, 2022