We are excited to invite you to New England District's Vertical Construction Industry Day on Wednesday, November 6, 2024, from 9 - 3 p.m., located at Boston Marriott Newton, 2345 Commonwealth Ave, Newton, MA. All prospective prime contractors or subcontractors interested to learn more about the New England District’s upcoming vertical construction portfolio, which includes work being designed and constructed for our Military and Interagency partners, as well as select projects for the District’s Operations Division.
As the District’s vertical construction program has grown over the last 4-5 years and as industry’s methods of identifying prospective work change, the District has identified the need to adapt our outreach efforts with the vertical construction community. As a first step in that process, the District will be hosting periodic industry day events to update our industry partners on our planned work. In addition to these programmatic industry days, the District will also be conducting more routine, project-specific industry days to further inform and educate industry about our larger or more unique projects.