Hartford/ East Hartford, CT

Section 216 Levee Rehabilitation Feasibility Study

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    The New England District and its non-federal sponsor partners, the city of Hartford and the town of East Hartford, began a flood risk management study initiated under the authority of Section 216 of the Flood Control Act of 1970. The study area includes two flood risk management projects along the Connecticut River and one flood risk management project along the Park River constructed by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in the city of Hartford and the town of East Hartford and the protected areas surrounding the projects.


    Constructed following severe floods in 1936 and 1938, the projects in both Hartford and East Hartford are more than 70 years old, and the effects of time and weather as well as increased development of the land within the protected area, have impacted the systems’ integrity and significant capital investment may be needed to ensure that the projects function as intended to reduce flood risk.


    The goal of the study is to investigate the feasibility of improving the resiliency of the existing flood risk management located in the city of Hartford and the town of East Hartford by reducing risk to life and damages to property in portions of Hartford and East Hartford behind the levee systems over a 50-year period of analysis.

    HARTFORD Flood Risk Management System

    The Hartford flood risk management systems are located along the right bank (west bank) of the Connecticut River in Hartford and along the city's Park River. They provide flood risk management to approximately 3,000 acres of highly developed public, commercial, residential, and industrial land in the city.


    Initially constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers between 1938 and 1944. Additional construction took place at various times between 1956 and 1981. The city of Hartford now owns, operates, and maintains the flood risk management projects along the Connecticut River and the Park River in Hartford.


    The Connecticut River flood risk management systems include about 6 miles (34,000 feet) of earthen dikes (levees), about 0.8 miles (4,400) feet of concrete floodwalls, five closure structures, three pumping stations, one pressure conduit, and appurtenant drainage facilities. The Park River flood risk management system includes three pumping stations; a series of conduits that collect flows from the North Branch Park River, South Branch Park River, and Gully Brook and discharge the combined flows to the Connecticut River through two large conduits, and 660 feet of floodwall along the North Branch Park River immediately upstream from the conduit system entrance.


    The main Park River Conduit and the Park River Auxiliary Conduit that carry the Park River flows into the Connecticut river pass beneath the earthen embankment for the Connecticut River flood risk management system.  


    During the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer 2013 inspection of the Connecticut River flood risk management system, deficiencies were identified that were determined to require immediate attention and failure to address those deficiencies could prevent the system from performing as intended during a significant flood event. Since 2015, the city of Hartford has been working cooperatively to provide temporary mitigation measures and permanently address the identified deficiencies through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer System-wide Improvement Framework (SWIF) program.  

    Over 20% of Hartford’s land area could be flooded during a major flood event if the Connecticut River flood risk management system failed to perform as intended. The properties in the area that could be flooded include important commercial, institutional, and residential properties.


    Major public infrastructure is also at risk of flooding if the Connecticut River flood risk management system failed to perform, the most vulnerable of which is the Hartford Metropolitan District Commission (MDC) regional sewage treatment system which is currently undergoing a $3 Billion upgrade mandated by the Environmental Protection Agency.  The Interstate 84/91 highway interchange, a regional airport, the MDC water distribution system, a military jet fuel supply pipeline, and numerous major employers are also at risk of being flooded.


    Information about the Hartford projects can be found in the National Levee Database (NLD - https://levees.sec.usace.army.mil/#/).  The project along the Connecticut River is identified in the NLD as the CT Riv RB - Hartford, CT system and the project along the Park River is identified in the NLD as the N&S Br Park Riv, Park Riv Conduit Sys-Hartford, CT system.


    EAST HARTFORD Flood Risk Management System


    Aerial view of the flood risk management levee system in East Hartford, Connecticut, June 1987

    The East Hartford Flood Risk management system is located along the left (east) bank of the Connecticut River and the north bank of the Hockanum River in East Hartford. The system provides flood risk management for ~760 acres (residential, commercial, and public property) from flooding of the Connecticut and Hockanum Rivers.


    The system was initially constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers between 1938 and 1943 ($2.4 million – 1943 dollars). Upon completion the East Hartford Flood Risk Management System was turned over to the town of East Hartford which now owns, operates, and maintains the system. The system is approximately 77 years old.


    The system consists of 19,300 linear feet of earthen dike (levee), 1,400 linear feet of concrete floodwall, and two closure structures along the Connecticut and Hockanum Rivers. Interior drainage is managed by three pump stations and a storage pond.


    Overall, the East Hartford project is well maintained. Minor deficiencies have been identified during routine inspections that are not expected to prevent the system from performing as intended during a significant flood event, but the deficiencies identified reduce the reliability of the system and could result in the system not performing as intended if they are not addressed.


    Information about the East Hartford flood risk management project can be found in the National Levee Database (NLD - https://levees.sec.usace.army.mil/#/).  The project is identified in the NLD as the CT Riv LB & Hockanum Riv RB - East Hartford, CT system.


    Point of Contact

    For questions on this levee rehabilitation study, please send an email, or a letter by mail, to the study manager as shown below.

    Janet Cote, Study Manager
    U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Attn: CENAE-PDP
    696 Virginia Road
    Concord, MA 01742-2718


    Study Area

    graphic showing study area in Hartford and East Hartford, Connecticut