Office of Small Business Programs
"In Fiscal Year 2024, the New England District awarded over $136 million dollars to small businesses. Small Businesses are critical to our mission success in meeting the many and varied challenges that we face. With teamwork, we can accomplish any of the challenges presented to us.."
Colonel Justin R. Pabis, District Commander
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers fully supports the government policy of placing a fair proportion of USACE contracts for supplies, design, engineering, construction and support services with qualified Small, Small Disadvantaged, Women-Owned, HUBZone, Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned, Veteran-Owned, Alaska Native Corporations, Native Hawaiian Organization-Owned and Indian Tribes. In addition, small business concerns are to be afforded the maximum practicable opportunity to participate as subcontractors in qualifying contracts awarded to large prime contractors.
The involvement of small business in our military and civil works programs is vital to our mission. Much of our success is due to the initiative, imagination, and productivity of small business concerns. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is committed to fostering the capabilities of small business. Small business utilization is just good business.
Mission Statement: The New England District will strive to be stewards of the taxpayer's dollars by balancing mission accomplishment and the Government's responsibility of socioeconomic development by maximizing opportunities for small businesses.
Our Commitment: The New England District fully supports the national policy of providing small, small disadvantaged businesses, 8(a), HUBZone small businesses, women-owned small businesses, veteran-owned, and service-disabled veteran-owned the opportunity to provide supplies and services which are within their capability. We are committed to the worthwhile and varied socioeconomic programs and through teamwork, we will continue to help support this great nation into the next millennium.
Doing Business with USACE (Video)