Pending & Issued Permits, and Other Action Items

1. The following action items can be viewed at the USACE Headquarters website

  • Final Individual Permits (IPs)/Pending IPs
  • Emergency Permits
  • Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) projects
  • Approved Jurisdictional Determinations (AJDs)
  • Section 408 projects

Go to “Click here to get started looking for permits” and then select "NAE-New England District" in the “Filter by District” dropdown menu.


2. Federal Infrastructure Permitting Dashboard

The Permitting Dashboard is an online tool for Federal agencies, project developers, and interested members of the public to track the Federal government’s environmental review and authorization processes for large or complex infrastructure projects, part of a government-wide effort to improve coordination, transparency, and accountability.

The following authorizations and their supporting documents are posted here in accordance with Title 41 of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST-41):

Orsted/Revolution Wind, LLC (Oct. 2023)

New England Wind - Park City Wind, LLC (July 2024)


Updated: July 22, 2024


Regulatory Links
