Submitting Electronic Correspondence

As announced in our March 24, 2020 public notice, the Regulatory Division is transitioning to an electronic submittal and evaluation process for all correspondence.  We will update the following information and procedures as needed.

1.   Please send all new Section 10/404/103/408 applications and other correspondence via email to one of the following addresses based on the state in which the work is being proposed or send it to if the work involves transportation or utility projects funded by an applicant with a WRDA 214/139(j) funding agreement.


(Note that USACE utilizes a coordinated process with the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NH DES), and receives applications from NH DES.  Therefore, applicants in New Hampshire are advised to follow the existing process, and not email new applications to the above address.)

To assist with this effort and to help expedite the processing of your request, please provide the following information in the body of your email for ALL new requests, and attach the appropriate application information:

     a.  Applicant/requestor/client contact information (name, address, phone, email):

     b.  Detailed narrative describing the project purpose:

    c.  Location description of the project area (address or lat/long, city, county, state):

    d.  Type of Request (pre-application, jurisdictional determination, self-verification, general permit, individual permit, no permit required, dredge sampling plan, etc.).

If you are already working with a project manager on a specific project, please continue to coordinate directly with them via email. 

2.  Upon receipt of a new application, request, or inquiry we will confirm receipt.  A Regulatory project manager will contact you after the project has been assigned.  Questions regarding active projects should be directed to the project manager assigned to process the request.  As stated above, email is the preferred method of contact at this time.

3.  There are three ways to overcome size limitations when sending and receiving large emails:

     a.  Divide attachments among multiple emails;

     b.  Request a link via email that will allow you to send large files.  We are only able to use government-approved file transfer programs (one example is the DoD Secure Access File Exchange (SAFE)).  Please send the request to the appropriate email box listed above or a specific project manager if one has been assigned; or

     c.  Save the documents on a CD/DVD or USB flash drive and mail it to one of our Regulatory offices.  We are currently able to access mail in the office, but this is subject to change and retrieving this information may be delayed due to the current COVID-19 situation.

4.  If it is necessary to provide a paper copy of any submittal, please also provide a digital copy to enable us to evaluate your application as efficiently as possible.  Please communicate with our staff if you are unable to provide a digital copy, as allowances will be made.  If determined necessary, please mail paper copies to the following addresses and include the project manager’s name (if assigned) on the first line:

Regulatory Division
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District
696 Virginia Road
Concord, MA  01742-2751

Regulatory Division
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District
442 Civic Center Drive, Suite 350
Augusta, ME 04330

Regulatory Division
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District
11 Lincoln Street, Room 210
Essex Junction, VT 05452

5.  Digital documents must have sufficient resolution to depict project details.  In order to have the highest quality documents, please convert original digital documents to PDF.  All forms that require signature must be digitally signed or signed manually, scanned and then transmitted electronically.

6.  If telephone is the preferred method of communication, you may call a project manager directly if you are working with them on a particular project or our general phone numbers:

District Headquarters, Concord, MA (CT, MA, NH, RI)             (978) 318-8862
Maine Project Office                                                                     (207) 623-8367
Vermont Project Office                                                                (802) 872-2893 or (978) 318-8860