DAMOS Reports

DAMOS reports are produced on a continuing basis to distribute monitoring information to interested individuals. Full survey reports including methods, results, and discussion sections are divided into two series; the scientific report (SR) series which precede the official start of the DAMOS Program in 1977, and the DAMOS contribution series which have been generated since 1977.  A third category of reports, the data summary report (DSR) series, was initiated in 2013 to present only the methods and results (without discussion) of focused monitoring conducted to meet specific needs of related USACE projects. All three report series are available in pdf format in the library section below.

DAMOS reports are also available as CD compilations. Currently four CDs have been produced. The first includes scientific reports 1-59 and DAMOS contributions 1-123, the second has conrtibutions 124-150, the third has contributions 151-159, and the fourth has contributions 160-167. To receive a copy of any one or all four of the CDs send us a request.


Updated: Feb. 14, 2024


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Beaver, E.; Bellagamba Fucile, E. 2017. Data Summary Report for the Monitoring Survey at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site, October 2015. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 25 pp.

Carey, D. A.; Beaver, E. 2017. Data Summary Report for the Monitoring Survey at the Cornfield Shoals Disposal Site, October 2015. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 29 pp.

Carey, D. A.; Sturdivant, K. S.; Bellagamba Fucile, E. 2017. Data Summary Report for the Monitoring Survey at the New London Disposal Site, October 2015. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 31 pp.

Carey, D. A.; Sturdivant, S. K. 2017. Data Summary Report for the Monitoring Survey at the Providence River CAD Cell Site, October 2015. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 27 pp.

Sturdivant, S. K.; Carey, D. A. 2017. Data Summary Report for the Monitoring Survey at the Rhode Island Sound Disposal Site, October 2015. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 30 pp.

Guarinello, M. L.; Carey, D. A.; Wright, C. 2016. Data Summary Report for the Monitoring Survey at the Isles of Shoals Disposal Site North, September 2015. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 63 pp.

Carey, D.A.; Bellagamba Fucile, E. 2015. Data Summary Report of the New London Disposal Site and Vicinity Sediment-Profile and Plan-View Imaging Survey, September 2014. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 41 pp.

Carey, D. A.; Bellagamba Fucile, E. 2015. Data Summary Report of the New London Disposal Site and Vicinity Sediment-Profile and Plan-View Imaging Survey, September 2014. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 45 pp.

Hickey, K.; Carey, D. A.; Wright, C.; Wolf, S. 2014. Data Summary Report of the Gloucester Historic and Ipswich Bay Disposal Sites August 2013 Monitoring Survey. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 51 pp.

Carey, D. A.; Hickey, K.; Germano, J. D.; Read, L. B.; Esten, M. E. 2013. Hickey, K.; Carey, D. A.; Wright, C.; Germano, J. D.; Wolf, S. 2014. Data Summary Report of the Penobscot Bay Study Area August 2013 Monitoring Survey. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 79 pp.

Hickey, K.; Carey, D. A.; Wright, C.; Germano, J. D.; Read, L. B. 2014. Data Summary Report of the Cape Arundel Disposal Site August 2013 Monitoring Survey. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 55 pp.

McKelvey, Z. 2017. Monitoring Survey at the Cape Cod Bay Disposal Site, October 2016. DAMOS Contribution No. 205. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 98 pp.

Guarinello, M., Lefkovitz, L.F, Pala, S.L. 2017. Monitoring Survey at the Rockland Disposal Site, September 2016. DAMOS Contribution No. 204. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 147 pp.

McKelvey, Z.; Sturdivant, S. K.; Lefkovitz, L. F.; Pala, S. L. 2018. Monitoring Survey at the Portland Disposal Site, September 2016. DAMOS Contribution No. 203. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 149 pp. + Appendices.

Sturdivant, S. K.; Carey, D. A. 2017. Baseline Seafloor Assessment Survey for the Proposed Expansion of the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site September/October 2015. DAMOS Contribution No. 201. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 105 pp.

Sturdivant, S. K.; Carey, D. A. 2017. Monitoring Survey at the Portland Disposal Site August 2014. DAMOS Contribution No. 200. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 81 pp.

Guarinello, M. L.; Carey, D. A. 2017. Monitoring Survey at the Western Long Island Sound Disposal Site August 2014. DAMOS Contribution No. 199. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 91 pp.

USACE. 2015. Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site Restoration Demonstration Report 2008–2009. DAMOS Contribution No. 198. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 114 pp.

Hopkins, A. D.; Sturdivant, S. K.; Carey, D. A. 2017. Monitoring Surveys at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site, December 2013, January 2014, and
August 2014. DAMOS Contribution No. 197. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 108 pp.

Carey, D. A.; Hickey, K.; Germano, J. D.; Read, L. B.; Esten, M. E. 2013. Monitoring Survey at the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site September/October 2013. DAMOS Contribution No. 195. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 87 pp.

Carey, D. A.; Hickey, K.; Germano, J. D.; Read, L. B.; Esten, M. E. 2013. Monitoring Survey at the Eastern Passage Disposal Site October 2012. DAMOS Contribution No. 194. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 84 pp.

Hickey, K.; Carey, D. A.; Germano, J. D.; Read, L. B.; Esten, M. E. 2013. Monitoring Survey at the Machias Bay Disposal Site October 2012. DAMOS Contribution No. 193. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 69 pp.

AECOM. 2013. Monitoring Survey at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site, September and October 2011. DAMOS Contribution No. 192. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 136 pp.

AECOM. 2012. Monitoring Survey of the Douglas Island Disposal Site, October 2011. DAMOS Contribution No. 191. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 112 pp.

AECOM. 2012. Monitoring Survey of the Morris Cove Borrow Pit, September-October 2011. DAMOS Contribution No. 190. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 103 pp.

AECOM. 2012. Monitoring Survey at the Seawolf Disposal Mound, September 2010. DAMOS Contribution No. 189. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 136 pp.

AECOM. 2012. Monitoring Survey at the Cape Cod Bay Disposal Site, September 2010. DAMOS Contribution No. 188. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 135 pp.

Carey, D. A.; Hickey, K.; Myre, P. L.; Read, L. B.; Esten, M. E. 2012. Monitoring Surveys at the Historical Brenton Reef Disposal Site 2007 & 2009. DAMOS Contribution No. 187. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 130 pp.

USACE. 2012. Monitoring Survey of the Boston Harbor CAD Cells, November 2009. DAMOS Contribution No. 186. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 126 pp.

USACE. 2012. Monitoring Surveys of New England CAD Cells, October 2009. DAMOS Contribution No. 185. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 151 pp.

Valente, Raymond M.; Carey, D.A.; Read, L.B.; Esten, M.E. 2012. Monitoring Survey at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site October 2009. DAMOS Contribution No. 184. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 90 pp.

Valente, R. M.; Read, L. B., Esten, M. E. 2011. Monitoring Survey at the Rhode Island Sound Disposal Site October 2009. DAMOS Contribution No. 183. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 72 pp.

AECOM. 2010. Monitoring Survey at the Seawolf Disposal Mound, June/July 2006. DAMOS Contribution No. 182. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 104 pp.

AECOM. 2010. Monitoring Survey at the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site, August 2007. DAMOS Contribution No. 181. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 88 pp.

AECOM. 2009. Monitoring Survey at the New London Disposal Site, July/ August 2007. DAMOS Contribution No. 180. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 80 pp.

AECOM. 2009. Monitoring Survey at the Portland Sound Disposal Site, August 2007. DAMOS Contribution No. 179. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 85 pp.

ENSR. 2008. Providence River and Harbor Maintenance Dredging Project Synthesis Report. DAMOS Contribution No. 178. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 133 pp.

ENSR. 2007. Baseline Bathymetric Surveys at the Central and Western Long Island Sound Disposal Sites, July 2005. DAMOS Contribution No. 177. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 85 pp.

ENSR. 2007. Monitoring Survey at the Rhode Island Sound Disposal Site, July 2005. DAMOS Contribution No. 176. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 73 pp.

Myre, Peggy L.; Germano, J.D. 2007. Field Verification Program (FVP) Disposal Mound Monitoring Survey 2005. DAMOS Contribution No. 175. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 71 pp.

Valente, Raymond M.; Carey, Drew A.; Read, Lorraine B.; Wright, Christopher. 2007. Postdisposal Monitoring of Lobster Abundance at the Rhode Island Sound Disposal Site in 2005 Compared to the 1999 Predisposal Survey. DAMOS Contribution No. 174. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 52 pp.

ENSR; Coastal Vision; CR Environmental; Germano & Associates; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Engineering/Planning Division. 2007. Monitoring Survey at the Douglas Island Disposal Site, Outer Narraguagus Bay, Maine, April 2003/ April 2004/ September 2005. DAMOS Contribution No. 173. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 41 pp.

ENSR; Coastal Vision; CR Environmental; Germano & Associates; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Engineering/Planning Division. 2007. Monitoring Survey at the Tupper Ledge Disposal Site, Union River Bay, Maine, July/September 2005. DAMOS Contribution No. 172. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 52 pp.

ENSR; Coastal Vision; CR Environmental; Germano & Associates; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Engineering/Planning Division. 2007. Monitoring Survey at the Muscongus Bay Disposal Site, Lincoln County, Maine, July/September 2005. DAMOS Contribution No. 171. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 43 pp.

Wright, C; Carey, D.A. 2006. Monitoring Survey at the Buzzards Bay Disposal Site at Cleveland East Ledge, June 2005. DAMOS Contribution No. 170. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 17 pp.

Valente, R. M; Rhoads, D. C; Myre, P. L.; Read, L. B.; Carey, D.A. 2006. Evaluation of Field Bioaccumulation as a Monitoring Tool. DAMOS Contribution No. 169. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 40 pp.

ENSR. 2007. Monitoring Survey at Boston Harbor CAD Cells, August 2004. DAMOS Contribution No. 168. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 112 pp.

SAIC. 2005. Disposal Plume Tracking and Assessment at the Rhode Island Sound Disposal Site, Summer 2004. DAMOS Contribution No. 167. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 194 pp.

SAIC. 2005. Disposal Plume Tracking and Assessment at the Rhode Island Sound Disposal Site, Spring 2004. DAMOS Contribution No. 166. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 184 pp.

ENSR. 2005. Stamford-New Haven North/Cap Site 2 Investigation, May 2004. DAMOS Contribution No. 165. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 97 pp.

ENSR. 2005. Monitoring Survey at the West Island Historic Site, Fall 2003. DAMOS Contribution No. 164. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 36 pp.

ENSR. 2005. Monitoring Survey at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site, June 2003. DAMOS Contribution No. 163. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 52 pp.

ENSR. 2005. Monitoring Survey at the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site, September 2004. DAMOS Contribution No. 162. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 64 pp.

ENSR. 2005. Monitoring Survey at the Western Long Island Sound Disposal Site, June 2004. DAMOS Contribution No. 161. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 79 pp.

ENSR. 2005. Monitoring Survey at the Cornfield Shoals Disposal Site, June 2004. DAMOS Contribution No. 160. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 26 pp.

ENSR. 2004. Monitoring Survey at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site, September 2003. DAMOS Contribution No. 159. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 71 pp.

ENSR. 2004. Monitoring Survey at the Tupper Ledge Disposal Site, September 2003. DAMOS Contribution No. 158. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 58 pp.

ENSR. 2004. Monitoring Survey at the Cape Cod Bay Disposal Site, August 2003. DAMOS Contribution No. 157. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 74 pp.

ENSR. 2004. Monitoring Survey at the Rockland Disposal Site, September 2003. DAMOS Contribution No. 156. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 68 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 2003. Monitoring Surveys of the Rhode Island Sound Disposal Site, Summer 2003. DAMOS Contribution No. 155. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 81 pp.

Wahle, R.A., M. Dunnington, K. O'Donnell and M. Bell. 2004. Impact of Dredged Sediment Disposal on Lobster and Crab Abundance and Movements at the Rockland Disposal Site. DAMOS Contribution No. 154. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 38 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 2003. Dredged Material Fate Study at the Portland Disposal Site, 1998-2000. DAMOS Contribution No. 153. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 144 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 2003. Monitoring Survey at the New London Disposal Site, June 2001. DAMOS Contribution No. 152. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 104 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 2003. Monitoring Survey at the Massachusetts Bay Rock Reef Site, Summer 2002. DAMOS Contribution No. 151. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 42 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 2003. An Investigation of Sediment Dynamics in the Vicinity of Mystic River CAD Cells Utilizing Artificial Sediment Tracers. DAMOS Contribution No. 150. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 32 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 2003. Post-Storm Monitoring Survey at the New London Disposal Site Seawolf Mound, October 2002. DAMOS Contribution No. 149. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 62 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 2003. Monitoring Survey Over Boston Harbor CAD Cell M19. DAMOS Contribution No. 148. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 45 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 2003. The Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site Capping Demonstration Project, 1998-2000. DAMOS Contribution No. 147. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 159 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 2003. Monitoring Cruise at the Morris Cove Borrow Pit, May 2002. DAMOS Contribution No. 146. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 54 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 2003. Physical Oceanographic Study at the Rockland Disposal Site, August 2001. DAMOS Contribution No. 145. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 39 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 2003. Monitoring Survey at the Cape Cod Bay Disposal Site, August 2001. DAMOS Contribution No. 144. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 77 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 2003. Monitoring Survey at the Mark Island Disposal Site, July 2002. DAMOS Contribution No. 143. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 58 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 2003. Monitoring Cruise at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site. DAMOS Contribution No. 142. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 65 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 2003. Monitoring Survey at the Machias Bay Disposal Site, July 2002. DAMOS Contribution No. 141. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 47 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 2003. Monitoring Survey at the Portland Disposal Site, August 2001. DAMOS Contribution No. 140. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 64 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 2002. Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site Synthesis Report, 1999-2000. DAMOS Contribution No. 139. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 99 pp .

Science Applications International Corporation. 2002. Monitoring Survey at the Western Long Island Sound Disposal Site, June 2001. DAMOS Contribution No. 138. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 63 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 2002. Monitoring Survey at the Tupper Ledge Disposal Site, August 2001. DAMOS Contribution No. 137. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 50 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 2002. Monitoring Cruise at the Portland Disposal Site, Summer 2000. DAMOS Contribution No. 136. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 54 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 2002. Monitoring Cruise at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site, September 1997 and March 1998. DAMOS Contribution No. 135. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 76 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 2002. Monitoring Survey at the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site, Fall 2000. DAMOS Contribution No. 134. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 53 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 2001. Monitoring Cruise at the New London Disposal Site, August 2000. DAMOS Contribution No. 133. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 63 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 2001. Monitoring Cruise at the New London Disposal Site, Volume II, Seawolf Mound, 1995-1998. DAMOS Contribution No. 132. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 146 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 2001. Monitoring Cruise at the Rockland Disposal Site, September 2000. DAMOS Contribution No. 131. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 49 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 2001. Observations of physical oceanographic conditions at the New London Disposal Site, 1997-1998. DAMOS Contribution No. 130. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 87 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 2001. Monitoring Cruise at the Morris Cove Borrow Pit. DAMOS Contribution No. 129. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 38 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 2001. Monitoring Cruise at the New London Disposal Site, Volume 1, 1992-1998. DAMOS Contribution No. 128. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 157 pp.

Tracey, G.A, D.C. Rhoads, and D.A. Carey. 2000. Application of in situ UV Spectrometry for Characterization of Harbor Sediment (Special Technical Report). DAMOS Contribution No. 127. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 11 pp.

Ray, G.L. 1999. Ecological Monitoring of a Constructed Intertidal Flat at Jonesport, ME. DAMOS Contribution No. 126. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 62 pp.

Murray, P.M. and H.L. Saffert. 1999. Monitoring Cruises at the Western Long Island Sound Disposal site, September 1997 and March 1998. DAMOS Contribution No. 125. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 80 pp.

Murray, P.M. 1999. Monitoring Results from the First Boston Harbor Navigation Improvement Project Confined Aquatic Disposal Cell. DAMOS Contribution No. 124. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 44 pp.

Morris, J.T., H.L. Saffert, and P.M. Murray. 1998. The Portland Disposal Site Capping Demonstration Project 1995-1997. DAMOS Contribution No. 123. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 197 pp.

U.S. Army Engineer, Waterways Experiment Station. 1998. A Predictive Model for Sediment Transport at the Portland Disposal Site, Maine. DAMOS Contribution No. 122. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 23 pp.

McDowell, S.E. and S.D. Pace. 1998. Oceanographic Measurements at the Portland Disposal Site During Spring of 1996. DAMOS Contribution No. 121. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 62 pp.

Morris, J.T. 1998. Monitoring Cruise at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site, July 1996. DAMOS Contribution No. 120. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 65 pp.

Morris, J.T. 1998. Monitoring Cruise at the Western Long Island Sound Disposal Site, July 1996. DAMOS Contribution No. 119. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, 72 pp.

Morris, J.T. 1997. Monitoring Cruise at the Central Long Island sound Disposal site, September 1995. DAMOS Contribution No. 118. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 137 pp.

Morris, J.T. and G.J. Tufts. 1997. Monitoring Cruise at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site, July 1994. DAMOS Contribution No. 117. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 146 pp.

Murray, P. 1997. Monitoring Cruise at the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site, August 1994. DAMOS Contribution No. 116. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 53 pp.

DeAngelo, E. and P. Murray. 1997. Baseline Survey of the Reconfigured Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site, 14 September 1993. DAMOS Contribution No. 115. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 73 pp.

Charles, J. and G.J. Tufts. 1997. Monitoring Cruise at the Western Long Island Sound Disposal Site, August 1993. DAMOS Contribution No. 114. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 33 pp.

DeAngelo, E. 1996. Monitoring Cruise at the Boston Lightship Disposal Site, August, 1994. DAMOS Contribution No. 113. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 31 pp.

Bohlen, F.W., M.M. Howard-Strobel, D.R. Cohen, and E.T. Morton. 1996. An Investigation of the Dispersion of Sediments Resuspended by Dredging Operations in New Haven Harbor. DAMOS Contribution No. 112. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 12 pp.

Morris, J.T., J. Charles, and D.C. Inglin. 1996. Monitoring Surveys at the New Haven Capping Project, 1993-1994. DAMOS Contribution No. 111. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 53 pp.

Wiley, M.B. 1996. Bathymetric and Subbottom Survey at the Cornfield Shoals Disposal Site, July 8, 1994. DAMOS Contribution No. 110. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 18 pp.

Wiley, M.B., J. Charles, C. Eller, and R. Williams. 1996. DAMOS Summary Report, 1985-1990. DAMOS Contribution No. 109. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 117 pp.

Wiley, M.B. 1996. Monitoring Cruise at the Portland Disposal Site, July 1992. DAMOS Contribution No. 108. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 46 pp.

Caporelli, E. and S. Browning. 1996. Reconnaissance Survey of the Historical Bridgeport Disposal Site, August 1992. DAMOS Contribution No. 107. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 24 pp.

Wiley, M.B. 1996. Monitoring Cruise at the Cornfield Shoals Disposal Site, August 1992. DAMOS Contribution No. 106. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 27 pp.

Wiley, M.B. 1996. Synthesis of the Monitoring at the Cornfield Shoals Disposal Site, July 1991 to May 1992. DAMOS Contribution No. 105. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 30 pp.

Murray, P.M. 1996. Recolonization of the Mill-Quinnipiac River Disposal Mound (MQR), Results of the REMOTS Survey, August 1992. DAMOS Contribution No. 104. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 25 pp.

Murray, P.M. 1996. Sediment Core Chemistry Data Summary from the MQR Mound, August & December 1991. DAMOS Contribution No. 103. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 61 pp.

Eller, F.C. and R.W. Williams. 1996. Monitoring Cruise at the Western Long Island Sound Disposal Site, July 1992. DAMOS Contribution No. 102. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 70 pp.

Rhoads, D., I. Williams, and P. Murray. 1996. Bioaccumulation in Stage I Polychaetes/Oligochaetes: A Field Feasibility Study (Special Technical Report). DAMOS Contribution No. 101. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 21 pp.

Wiley, M.B., J.B. Charles. 1995. Monitoring Cruise at the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site, March 31-April 4, 1992. DAMOS Contribution No. 100. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 23 pp.

Williams, R.W. 1995. Monitoring Cruise at the Western Long Island Sound Disposal Site, July 1991. DAMOS Contribution No. 99. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 45 pp.

Wiley, M.B. 1995. Deep Water Capping (Special Technical Report). DAMOS Contribution No. 98. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 35 pp.

Wiley, M.B. and J. Charles. 1995. Monitoring Cruise at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site, June 1991. DAMOS Contribution No. 97. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 53 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 1995. Monitoring Cruise at the New London Disposal Site, June 1991. DAMOS Contribution No. 96. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 56 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 1995. Sediment Capping of Subaqueous Dredged Material Disposal Mounds: An Overview of the New England Experience 1979-1993 (Special Technical Report). DAMOS Contribution No. 95. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 101 pp.

Germano, J.D., J. Parker, and M.B. Wiley. 1995. Monitoring Cruise at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site, July 1990. DAMOS Contribution No. 94. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 38 pp.

Germano, J.D., J. Parker, and F.C. Eller. 1995. Monitoring Cruise at the New London Disposal Site, June - July 1990. DAMOS Contribution No. 93. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 72 pp.

Germano, J., J. Parker, and J. Charles. 1994. Monitoring Cruise at the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site, August 1990. DAMOS Contribution No. 92. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 51 pp.

Murray, P.M. 1994. Chemical Analyses of Sediment Sampling at the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site, 5-7 June 1989. DAMOS Contribution No. 91. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 43 pp.

Germano, J., J. Parker, and C. Christiansen. 1994. Monitoring Cruise at the Cornfield Shoals Disposal Site, July 1990. DAMOS Contribution No. 90. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 39 pp.

Wiley, M.B. 1994. DAMOS Capping Model Verification - (Special Technical Report). DAMOS Contribution No. 89. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 45 pp.

Rhoads, D.C. 1994. Analysis if the Contribution of Dredged Material to Sediment and Contaminant Fluxes in Long Island Sound - (Special Technical Report). DAMOS Contribution No. 88. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 32 pp.

Germano, J.D., D.C. Rhoads, and J.D. Lunz. 1994. An Integrated, Tiered Approach to Monitoring and Management of Dredged Material Disposal Sites in the New England Region. DAMOS Contribution No. 87. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 81 pp.

Williams, I. and D. Rhoads. 1994. An Investigation of Techniques Suitable for Field Extraction of Spionid and Capitellid Polychaetes for Bioaccumulation Testing. Special Technical Report. DAMOS Contribution No. 86. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 26 pp.

Germano, J.D., J. Parker, and R.W. Williams. 1993. Monitoring Cruise at the Western Long Island Sound Disposal Site, July 1990. DAMOS Contribution No. 85. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 67 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 1993. Monitoring Cruise at the Cape Cod Canal Disposal Site and Springhill Beach Site, March 1990-April 1990. DAMOS Contribution No. 84. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 50 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 1992. Monitoring Cruise at the Rockland Disposal Site, July 1989. DAMOS Contribution No. 83. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 40 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 1991. Monitoring Cruise at the Cape Arundel Disposal Site, May 1990. DAMOS Contribution No. 82. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 16 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 1991. Monitoring Cruise at the Saco Bay Disposal Site, May 1990. DAMOS Contribution No. 81. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 33 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 1991. Buzzards Bay Disposal Site Baseline Study, March 1990. DAMOS Contribution No. 80. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 81 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 1990. Preliminary Field Operations in Support of Disposal Site Designation in the Rhode Island Sound Region. DAMOS Contribution No. 79. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 92 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 1990. Monitoring Cruise at the Portland Disposal Site, January 1989. DAMOS Contribution No. 78. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 26 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 1990. Index of SR - Reports. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 87 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 1990. Index of DAMOS Contributions. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 169 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 1990. Monitoring Cruise at the New London Disposal Site, August 1988. DAMOS Contribution No. 77. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 82 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 1990. Monitoring Cruise at the Western Long Island Sound Disposal Site, July 1988. DAMOS Contribution No. 76. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 68 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 1990. Analysis of Sediment Chemistry and Body Burden Data Obtained at the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site, October 1987. DAMOS Contribution No. 75. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 25 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 1990. Monitoring Cruise at the Western Long Island Sound Disposal Site, November 1987. DAMOS Contribution No. 74. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 90 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 1990. Monitoring Cruise at the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site, November 1988 - January 1989. DAMOS Contribution No. 73. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 43 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 1990. Monitoring Cruise at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site, July 1988. DAMOS Contribution No. 72. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 12 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 1990. Capping Survey at the New London Disposal Site, February 3, 1989. DAMOS Contribution No. 71. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 5 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 1988. Bathymetric Survey at the Cornfield Shoals Disposal Site, July 1987. DAMOS Contribution No. 70. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 7 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 1990. Monitoring Cruise at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site, August and September 1987. DAMOS Contribution No. 68. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 25 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 1990. Monitoring Cruise at the Cape Arundel Disposal Site, October 1987. DAMOS Contribution No. 67. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 25 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 1990. Monitoring Cruise at the New London Disposal Site, July 1987. DAMOS Contribution No. 66. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 17 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 1988. Monitoring Surveys at the Foul Area Disposal Site, February 1987. DAMOS Contribution No. 64. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 12 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 1990. Monitoring Cruise at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site, July 1986. DAMOS Contribution No. 63. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 16 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 1988. Determination of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-P-Dioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans in FVP Sediment Samples. DAMOS Contribution No. 62. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 16 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 1988. Seasonal Monitoring Cruise at the Western Long Island Sound Disposal Site, August 1986. DAMOS Contribution No. 61. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 20 pp.

Parker, J.H. and E.C. Revelas. 1989. Monitoring Surveys at the New London Disposal Site, August 1985 - July 1986. DAMOS Contribution No. 60. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 40 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 1989. Buzzards Bay Disposal Site Literature Review. DAMOS Contribution No. 58. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 11 pp.

Parker, J.H. and E.C. Revelas. 1989. 1985 Monitoring Surveys at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site: An Assessment of Impacts from Disposal and Hurricane Gloria. DAMOS Contribution No. 57. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 39 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 1987. Monitoring Surveys at the Western Long Island Sound Disposal Site August and October 1985. DAMOS Contribution No. 55. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 45 pp.

Parker, J.H. and E.C. Revelas. 1988. Monitoring Surveys at the Field Verification Program (FVP) Disposal Site in 1985. DAMOS Contribution No. 52. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 8 pp.

Feng., S.Y. 1988. DAMOS Mussel Watch, Western Long Island Sound Disposal Site Monitoring Project, June 1, 1984 - June 1, 1985. DAMOS Contribution No. 51. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 70 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 1988. Distribution of Dredged Material at the Rockland Disposal Site, May 1985. DAMOS Contribution No. 50. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 13 pp.

Rhoads, D.C. and E.C. Revelas. 1985. Field Verification Program Monitoring Cruise on 26 June, 1985. DAMOS Contribution No. 49. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 17 pp.

Science Applications International Corporation. 1985. Standard Operating Procedure Manual for DAMOS Monitoring Activities, Volume I and Volume II. DAMOS Contribution No. 48. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA.

Germano, J.D. and J.H. Parker. 1985. Field Verification Program Monitoring Cruise on 19 March 1985. DAMOS Contribution No. 47. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 17 pp.

Morton, R.W., J.H. Parker, W.H. Richmond (eds.). 1984. Disposal Area Monitoring System (DAMOS) Annual Report, Summary of Program Results, 1981-1984. DAMOS Contribution No. 46. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA.

Volume I, Section I. Overview of the DAMOS Program

Volume I, Section II. Critique of DAMOS Program

Volume II, Part A. Central Long Island Sound Previous Surveys

Volume II, Part B. Central Long Island Sound Ongoing Surveys

Volume II, Part C. Field Verification Program (FVP)

Volume II, Part D. Field Verification Program (FVP) Monitoring Surveys

Volume III, Part A. Western Long Island Sound Disposal Area

Volume III, Part B. New London Disposal Area, Rhode Island

Volume III, Part C. Foul Area, Cape Arundel Disposal Site, Portland Disposal Area, Rockland Disposal Area

Volume IV, Part A. Development of the DAMOS Data Base Management System

An Assessment of Long term Trends of the CLIS Infaunal Community

Mussel Watch Program

Volume IV, Part B. Mass Balance Calculations

Measurement of Geotechnical Properties at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site

Submersible and ROV Surveys at Deep Water Disposal Sites in New England

Green Harbor Wave Climate

West, N., B. Almeida, and K.J. Scott. 1985. Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts Dredging Needs Survey, 1985-1995. DAMOS Contribution No. 45. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 110 pp.

Scott, K.J., G.D. Paquette, D.C. Rhoads, and J.D. Germano. 1984. Baseline and Post Disposal Surveys at the WLIS III "B" Disposal Site. DAMOS Contribution No. 44. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 40 pp.

Feng, S.Y. 1984. DAMOS Mussel Watch Program, Eastern Long Island Sound Disposal Site and Portland Disposal Site Monitoring Projects, 1979-1981. DAMOS Contribution No. 43. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 69 pp.

Robertson, R. and R.W. Morton. 1984. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Dredging on the Kennebec River, ME. DAMOS Contribution No. 42. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 72 pp.

Morton, R.W. 1984. Dredged Material Disposal Operations at the Boston Foul Ground, June 1982 - February 1983. DAMOS Contribution No. 41. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 28 pp.

Gegg, S. and D.G. Aubrey. 1984. Wave Climate, Green Harbor, Massachusetts 10 November 1983 - 14 December 1983. DAMOS Contribution No. 40. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 22 pp.

G.D. Paquette. 1984. Sediment Characterization NLON Disposal Site, March - April 1984. DAMOS Contribution No. 39. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA.

Morton, R.W., L.L. Stewart, J.D. Germano, and D.C. Rhoads. 1984. Results of Monitoring Studies at Cap Sites #1, #2, and the FVP Site in Central Long Island Sound and a Classification Scheme for the Management of Capping Procedures. DAMOS Contribution No. 38. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 227 pp.

Gegg, S. and D.G. Aubrey. 1984. Wave Climate, Green Harbor, Massachusetts, 26 August 1983 - 27 October 1983. DAMOS Contribution No. 37. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 26 pp.

Cutler, J.W. 1984. A Feasibility Study of the Disposal of Dredged Material at Morris Cove, New Haven Harbor. DAMOS Contribution No. 36. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 31 pp.

Scott, K.J. and G.D. Paquette. 1983. Post Disposal Survey of the WLIS III Disposal Site, August-September, 1983. DAMOS Contribution No. 35. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 46 pp.

Gegg, S. and D.G. Aubrey. 1983. Wave Climate, Green Harbor, Massachusetts, 15 June 1983 - 14 August 1983 (Green Harbor #1). DAMOS Contribution No. 31. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 30 pp.

Cutler, J.W. 1984. OSV Antelope Cruise Report June, 1983. DAMOS Contribution No. 30. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 12 pp.

Paquette, G.D. and R.W. Morton. 1983. DAMOS Cruise Report, August-September 1983. DAMOS Contribution No. 29. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA.

Feng, S.Y. 1983. Interim Report on the Concentration of Trace Metals in Mytilus edulis Deployed at theWestern Long Island Sound Disposal Site. DAMOS Contribution No. 28. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 21 pp.

Morton, R.W. and G.D. Paquette. 1983. Summary of Measurements made at the WLIS III Disposal Site. DAMOS Contribution No. 27. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 60 pp.

Morton, R.W. 1983. Application of a Loran -C Control System to Disposal Operations at the Boston Foul Ground, January 11 - February 2, 1983. DAMOS Contribution No. 26. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 20 pp.

Morton, R.W. 1983. Status Report, Disposal Operations at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site. DAMOS Contribution No. 25. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 36 pp.

Brooks, A.L. 1983. A Study of the Benthic Macrofauna at the CLIS Disposal Site. DAMOS Contribution No. 24. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 66 pp.

Morton, R.W., L.L. Stewart, W.F. Bohlen, L.F. Boyer, J.D. Germano, D.C. Rhoads, and F.E. Knowles. 1982. Site Selection and Baseline Surveys of the Black Rock Disposal Site for the Field Verification Program. DAMOS Contribution No. 23. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA.

Feng, S.Y. 1982. DAMOS Mussel Watch Program, Monitoring of the "Capping" Procedure Using Mytilus edulis at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site. DAMOS Contribution No. 22. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 34 pp.

Feng, S.Y. 1982. DAMOS Mussel Watch Program, New London Disposal Site Monitoring Projects, 1977-1979. DAMOS Contribution No. 21. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 39 pp.

Arimoto, R. and S.Y. Feng. 1984. DAMOS Mussel Watch Program: Histological Studies of Mussels from Dredged Material Disposal Sites. DAMOS Contribution No. 20. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 25 pp.

Morton, R.W., L.L. Stewart, and G.D. Paquette. 1982. Baseline Survey of the Proposed WLIS III Dredged Material Disposal Site, January, 1982. DAMOS Contribution No. 19. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA.

Morton, R.W. and L.L. Stewart. 1982. Interim Survey of Western Long Island Sound III Disposal Site. DAMOS Contribution No. 18. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 21 pp.

Science Applications, Inc. 1982. Disposal Area Monitoring System Annual Report, 1980 Volume I: Physical Measurements, Volume II: Biological Observations, Volume III: Visual Observations. DAMOS Contribution No. 17. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA.

Morton, R.W. 1982. Deployment of Dredged Material Disposal Buoys at the Central Long Island Sound and Western Long Island Sound Disposal Sites. DAMOS Contribution No. 16. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA.

Morton, R.W. 1981. Precision Bathymetry, Diving Observations and Sediment Description- Norwalk Disposal Operation Monitoring Survey Report Post Disposal Surveys, April 1981. DAMOS Contribution No. 15. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA.

Science Applications, Inc. 1980. Disposal Area Monitoring System Progress Report May 15 - July 30, 1980. DAMOS Contribution No. 14. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA.

Science Applications, Inc. 1980. Disposal Area Monitoring System Progress Report March 15 - May 15, 1980. DAMOS Contribution No. 13. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA.

Science Applications, Inc. 1980. Precision Disposal Operations Using a Computerized Loran-C System. DAMOS Contribution No. 12. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 16 pp.

Morton, R.W. 1980. "Capping" Procedures as an Alternative Technique to Isolate Contaminated Dredge Material in the Marine Environment. DAMOS Contribution No. 11. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 26 pp.

Feng, S.Y. 1980. Changes in the Levels of PCB's in Mytilus edulis Associated with Dredge Spoil Material. DAMOS Contribution No. 10. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 14 pp.

Stewart, L.L. 1980. Chronological Records of In Situ Physical and Biological Conditions Obtained by Diver Survey at CLIS and New London Disposal Sites. DAMOS Contribution No. 9. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA.

Morton, R.W. 1980. Management and Monitoring of Dredge Spoil Disposal and Capping Procedures in Central Long Island Sound. DAMOS Contribution No. 8. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 56 pp.

Science Applications, Inc. 1980. Stamford-New Haven Disposal Operation Monitoring Survey Report. DAMOS Contribution No. 7. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 41 pp.

Naval Underwater Systems Center. 1979. Stamford-New Haven Disposal Operation Monitoring Survey Report, Post Disposal Monitoring. DAMOS Contribution No. 6. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 25 pp.

Naval Underwater Systems Center. 1979. Stamford-New Haven Disposal Operation Monitoring Survey Report, Post Disposal Surveys. DAMOS Contribution No. 5. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 7 pp.

Naval Underwater Systems Center. 1979. Stamford-New Haven Disposal Operation Monitoring Survey Report, Completion of Stamford Disposal. DAMOS Contribution No. 4. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 11 pp.

Naval Underwater Systems Center. 1979. Stamford-New Haven Disposal Operation Monitoring Survey Report, 50,000 yd3 Southern Site, 10,000 yd3 Northern Site. DAMOS Contribution No. 3. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 20 pp.

Naval Underwater Systems Center. 1979. Stamford-New Haven Disposal Operation Monitoring Survey Report, 20,000 yd3 Increment. DAMOS Contribution No. 2. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 19 pp.

Naval Underwater Systems Center. 1979. Stamford-New Haven Disposal Operation Monitoring Survey Report Baseline Surveys. DAMOS Contribution No. 1. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 39 pp.

Naval Underwater Systems Center. 1979. DAMOS Annual Data Report, 1978. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Waltham, MA, 46 pp.

Supplemental Report A: Rockland Disposal Site

Supplemental Report B: Portland Disposal Site

Supplemental Report C: Isles of Shoals Disposal Site

Supplemental Report D: Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site

Supplemental Report E: Brenton Reef Disposal Site

Supplemental Report F: New London Disposal Site

Supplemental Report G: Cornfield Shoals Disposal Site

Supplemental Report H: New Haven Disposal Site

Supplemental Report I: Western Long Island Sound Disposal Site

Expand List item 8751Collapse List item 8751  Listing of DAMOS Related Papers
Arimoto, R. and S.Y. Feng. 1983. Changes in the levels of PCBs in Mytilus edulis associated with dredged-material disposal. In D.R. Kester, I.W. Duedall, B.H. Ketchum and P.K. Park (eds.), Wastes in the Ocean, Vol. II, Dredged Material Disposal in the Ocean. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, pp. 199-212.

Arimoto, R. and S.Y. Feng. 1983.
 Histological studies on mussels from dredge spoil dumpsites. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 17:535-546.

Bajek, J., R.W. Morton, J.D. Germano and T.J. Fredette. 1987.
 Dredged material behavior at a deep water, open ocean disposal site. Proceedings of the 20th Dredging Seminar. Western Dredging Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, pp. 95-107.

Bireley, L.E. and J.D. Buck. 1975.
 Microbiology of a former dredge spoil disposal area. Marine Pollution Bulletin 6:107-110.

Bohlen, W.F. 1974.
 Continuous monitoring systems in Long Island Sound: description and evaluation. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Engineering in the Ocean Environment, Vol. 2. Halifax, Nova Scotia, pp. 61-69.

Bohlen, W.F. 1980.
 A comparison between dredge-induced resuspension of sediments and that produced by naturally occurring storm events. Proceedings of the 17th Coastal Engineering Conference, American Society of Civil Engineering, New York, pp. 1700-1707.

Bohlen, W.F. 1982.
 In-situ monitoring of sediment resuspension in the vicinity of active dredge spoil disposal areas. Oceans '82 MTS/IEEE Meeting, Washington DC, pp. 1028-1033.

Bohlen, W.F. 1984.
 Evaluations of the factors governing the mobility of dredged material placed at open water disposal sites. The 10th United States/Japan Experts Meeting on Management of Bottom Sediments Containing Toxic Substances, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 85-100.

Bohlen, W.F. 1985.
 On the temporal variability of suspended material concentrations in estuaries. Estuaries 8(2b): 113A.

Bohlen, W.F. 1990.
 Ocean disposal of particulate wastes: practices, properties and processes. In K.R. Demars, and R.C. Chaney (eds.), Geotechnical Engineering of Ocean Waste Disposal. ASTM STP 1087, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, pp. 21-49.

Bohlen, W.F. and K.B. Winnick. 1985.
 Apparent non-linearities in the magnitude of storm induced sediment resuspension in estuaries. EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 66(51):1260.

Bohlen, W.F., D.C. Rhoads, P. McCall, R.W. Morton, J.H. Parker and E. Revelas. 1986.
 The impact of Hurricane Gloria on dredged material disposal sites in Central Long Island Sound. Proceedings of the 6th International Ocean Disposal Symposium, Asilomar, CA., pp.184-185.

Boon, J.D., W.F. Bohlen and L.D. Wright. 1987.
 Estuarine versus inner shelf disposal sites: a comparison of benthic current regimes. Proceedings of Coastal Sediments, Vol. I. ASCE, New York, pp. 571-583.

Brandes, H., A. Silva and T.J. Fredette. 1991.
 Settlement of offshore mounds of capped dredged materials. Maritimes 35(3):12-14.

Brotto, di M.R. and T.J. Fredette. 2001.
 Il dragaggio di sedimenti nei canali portuali nella East Coast. AIOM Bollettino 22:11-15.

Carey, D.A., J.T. Morris, P. Murray and T.J. Fredette. 1997.
 Subaqueous capping in New England: wise use of dredged materials. International Workshop on Dredged Material Beneficial Uses, Baltimore, Maryland. M.C. Landin (ed.), U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, pp. 125-126.

Carey, D.A., Lewis, S. Wolf, N. Greenblatt, and T.J. Fredette. 2006
 Long term stability of capped dredged material disposal mounds: Stamford New Haven North and Cap Site 2 in Long Island Sound. Proceedings of he Western Dredging Association Twenty-Sixth technical Conference and Thirty-Eighth Texas A&M Dredging Seminar, 26-28 June 2006, San Diego, CA. Center for Dredging Studies, Ocean Engineering Program, Civil Engineering Department, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. Pp. 389-409.

Clarke, D., T.J. Fredette and D. Imsand. 1988.
 Creation of offshore topographic features with dredged material. Environmental Effects of Dredging Information Exchange Bulletin, Vol. D-88-5, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.

Cook, G.S., R.W. Morton and A.T. Massey. 1977.
 A report on environmental studies of dredged spoil disposal sites. In J. Nihoul (ed.), Bottom Turbulence. Elsevier Oceanography Series 19, Amsterdam, pp. 275-299.

Crawford, J. 1987.
 The DAMOS program. Environmental Effects of Dredging Information Exchange Bulletin, Vol. D-87-2, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.

DeGoursey, R.E., J.K. Watson, R.V. Grillo, R. Arimoto and S.Y. Feng. 1984.
 Field techniques for in-situ long term monitoring of the effects of dredged material disposal on the mussel, Mytilus edulis. M.T.S. Journal 18(4):9-16.

Demars, K.R., R.P. Long, J.J. Dowling and R.W. Morton. 1984.
 Geotechnical characteristics of shallow ocean dredge spoil disposal mounds. Offshore Technology Conference, 16 pp.

Demars, K.R., R.P. Long, S. Stanton and W. Charlton. 1984.
 Settlememt and stability of ocean disposal mounds. In R.L. Montgomery and J.W. Leach (eds.), Dredging and Dredged Material Disposal, Volume II. ASCE, New York, pp. 1040-1049.

Engler, R.M. 1987.
 London dumping convention update: Environmental Effects of Dredging Information Exchange Bulletin, Vol. D-87-2, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.

Feng, S.Y. 1982.
 DAMOS mussel watch program: monitoring of the "capping" procedure using Mytilus edulis at the Central Long Island Sound disposal site, 1980-1981. Contribution #22 to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers New England Division, 34 pp.

Feng, S.Y. and G.M. Ruddy. 1974.
 Zn, Cu, Cd, Mn and Hg in oysters along the Connecticut coast. In Dehlinger et al. (eds.), Investigations on Concentrations, Distributions and Fates of Heavy Metal Wastes in Parts of Long Island Sound. Final Report submitted to the Office of Sea Grant Programs, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Rockville, MD, pp. 132-161.

Feng, S.Y., J.K. Watson, R. Grillo, R. Arimoto and A.J. Libbey. 1978.
 Preliminary observations on the levels of trace metals and PCBs in shellfish maintained on and near a dredge material disposal area in eastern Long Island Sound. C.M. E:45. Environmental Quality Committee presented at the 66th Statutory Meeting of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Copenhagen, pp. 1-9.

Fredette, T. J., P. E. Jackson, C. J. Rogers, D. A. Hadden, S. H. Wolf, T. A. Nowak Jr., and. E. DeAngelo. 2002.
 Monitoring Results from the Boston Harbor Navigation Improvement Project Confined Aquatic Disposal Cells. In, J. Pederson and E. E. Adams (Eds), Dredged Material Management – Options and Environmental Considerations. Proceedings of a Conference, December, 3-6, 2000. MIT Sea Grant College Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, pp. 3-10.

Fredette, T.F. and G.T. French. 2004.
 Understanding the physical and environmental consequences of dredged material disposal: history in New England and current perspectives. Marine Pollution Bulletin 49(1-2): 93-102.

Fredette, T.J. 1991.
 A summary of recent capping investigations with dredged sediments in New England. Proceedings of the 15th US/Japan Experts Meeting on Management of Bottom Sediments Containing Toxic Substances, Los Angeles, CA, pp. 86-97.

Fredette, T.J. 1994.
 Disposal site capping management: New Haven Harbor. Proceedings of the Conference Dredging '94, Orlando, FL, pp. 1142-1151.

Fredette, T.J. 1998.
 DAMOS: twenty years of dredged material disposal site monitoring. Isn't that enough? Chemistry & Ecology 14:231-239.

Fredette, T.J. 2005.
 Application of the dredged material waste assessment guidelines: a case study for the New Haven Harbor, Connecticut, USA. J. Dredging Eng. 7(1): 1-12

Fredette, T.J. 2006.
 Why confined aquatic disposal cells often make sense. Integrated Environ, Assess. Man. 2(1): 1-4

Fredette, T.J. and J. Pederson. 1998.
 Policy implications for dredging in Boston Harbor. In K. D. Stolzenbach and E. E. Adams (eds.), Contaminated Sediments in Boston Harbor. MIT Sea Grant College Program, Marine Center for Coastal Processes, pp. 75-87.

Fredette, T.J., G. Anderson, B.S. Payne and J.D. Lunz. 1986.
 Biological monitoring of open-water dredged material disposal sites. IEEE Oceans '86 Conference Proceedings, Washington, D.C., pp. 764-769.

Fredette, T.J., J.D. Germano, P.G. Kullberg, D.A. Carey and P. Murray. 1992.
 Chemical stability of capped dredged material disposal mounds in Long Island Sound, USA. Chemistry and Ecology 7:173-194.

Fredette, T.J., J.P. Crawford and J.C. DiPerna. 1995.
 Co-evolution of harbor maintenance dredging, environmental regulations, and open-water disposal site management: a twenty-year perspective. Proceedings of the Conference Ports '95, Tampa, FL, pp. 440-448.

Fredette, T.J., O. Guza, C.N. Farris, L.F. Lefkovitz, and S.J. Naber. 2006.
 Exploring Relationships in a Sediment-Tissue Bioaccumulation Database. Proceedings of the Western Dredging Association Twenty-Sixth Technical Conference and Thirty-Eighth Texas A&M Dredging Seminar, 26-28 June 2006, San Diego, CA. Center for Dredging Studies, Ocean Engineering Program, Civil Engineering Department, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. Pp. 349-361.

Fredette, T.J., P.E. Jackson, C.J. Demos, D.A. Hadden, S.H. Wolf, T.A. Nowak Jr. and E. DeAngelo. 2000.
 The Boston Harbor Navigation Improvement Project CAD cells: recommendations for future projects based on field experience and monitoring. Proceedings of the Western Dredging Association, 20th Technical Conference and 22nd Texas A&M Dredging Seminar, Warwick, RI, pp. 291-302.

Fredette, T.J., P.E. Jackson, C.J. Rogers, D.A. Hadden, S.H. Wolf, T.A. Nowak Jr., and E. DeAngelo. 2002
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Expand List item 14667Collapse List item 14667  Data Summary Report Series
DSR # Title
DR 2020-01 Data Summary Report for the Baseline Surveys of the Isles of Shoals North Disposal Site – September/October 2019 and September 2020
DR 2019-03 Data Summary Report for the Sediment Grab Sampling Survey at the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site - June 2019
DR 2019-02 Data Summary Report for the Monitoring Survey at the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site - June 2019
DR 2019-01 Data Summary Report for the Monitoring Survey at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site - October 2018
DR 2016-03 Data Summary Report for the Baseline Monitoring Survey at the New London Confined Aquatic Disposal Cell Site - October 2016
DR 2016-02 Data Summary Report for the Baseline Monitoring Survey at the New Bedford Harbor Confined Aquatic Disposal Cell Site - November 2016
DR 2016-01 Data Summary Report for the Monitoring Survey at the Boston Harbor Confined Aquatic Disposal Cell - November 2016


Data Summary Report of the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site October 2015 Monitoring Survey


Data Summary Report of the Cornfield Shoals Disposal Site October 2015 Monitoring Survey


Data Summary Report of the New London Disposal Site October 2015 Monitoring Survey


Data Summary Report of the Providence River CAD Cell Site October 2015 Monitoring Survey


Data Summary Report of the Rhode Island Sound Disposal Site October 2015 Monitoring Survey


Data Summary Report of the Isles of Shoals Disposal Site North September 2015 Monitoring Survey


Data Summary Report of the New London Disposal Site and Vicinity Sediment-Profile and Plan-View Imaging Survey September 2014


Data Summary Report of the Gloucester Historic and Ipswich Bay Disposal Sites August 2013 Monitoring Survey


Data Summary Report of the Penobscot Bay Study Area August 2013 Monitoring Survey
2013-01 Data Summary Report of the Cape Arundel Disposal Site August 2013 Monitoring Survey
Expand List item 8176Collapse List item 8176  Scientific Report Series
Contribution # Contribution Title
SR-59 A Laboratory Evaluation of Methods Used to Assess the Impact of Discharging Dredged Materials into Ocean Waters


Critique and Proposal for the Management of Dredged Material in Massachusetts Bay Waters. Part I
SR-57 Management and Monitoring of Dredge Spoil Disposal and Capping Procedures in Central Long Island Sound
SR-56 Chemical Analysis: Stamford-New Haven Maintenance Dredging Project, Central Long Island Sound. I. March-June 1979
SR-55 Survey of Currents, Turbidity, and Benthic Biology of Browns Ledge Study Area
SR-54 Geotechnical Methods for Determining the Erosional Characteristics of Dredge Spoils
SR-53 Influence of Spoil Texture and Salinity of Eroding Fluid on Threshold Erosional Velocities
SR-52 Chemical Identification of Dredge Spoils
SR-51 Environmental Consequences of Dredge Spoil Disposal in Central Long Island Sound. XIII. Benthic Colonization of the New Haven Spoil Ground: July 1974 to June 1976: Summary Report
SR-50 Environmental Consequences of the Disposal of Dredged Material in Long Island Sound. Phase III. Geophysical Studies, April 1975 – April 1976
SR-49 Study and Report on Oceanographic Conditions in the Vicinity of Browns Ledge, Rhode Island Sound
SR-48 Test Report on Fall River Dredged Material Disposal
SR-47 Test Report on Thames River, CT Sediment
SR-46 The Erosional Behavior of Thames River Sediment
SR-45 Monitoring Results – Providence River Dredging 1975
SR-44 Environmental Consequences of Dredge Spoil Disposal in Central Long Island Sound. XII. The Use of Bivalve Death Assemblages to Recognize Environmental Change in Central Long Island Sound over the Past 150 Years
SR-43 Environmental Consequences of Dredge-Spoil Disposal in Central Long Island Sound. XI. The Influence of Colonizing Benthos on Physical Properties and Chemical Diagenesis of the New Haven Dump Site
SR-42 A Summary Report of Current and Bathymetry Measurements of Alternate Disposal Sites for the Thames River Dredging Project
SR-41 Bibliography on the Disposal of Dredge Spoils in Coastal Waters
SR-40 Report of Underwater Television Survey of Massachusetts Bay “Foul Area – Explosives”
SR-39 Heavy Metals in Interstitial Waters of Dredge Spoil Material: Recommended Sampler and Experimental Procedure
SR-38 Interaction of Heavy Metals with Sulfur Compounds in Aquatic Sediments and in Dredged Materials
SR-37 Critical Environmental Parameters and Their Influence on Geotechnical Properties of Estuarine Sediments as Related to Erosion, Transport and Deposition
SR-36 A Study of the Effect of Turbid Mixtures on Biological Materials
SR-35 Environmental Consequences of Dredging Activities at Hampton Harbor, New Hampshire – Summer 1973
SR-34 Site Selection and Study of Ecological Effects of Disposal of Dredged Materials in Penobscot Bay, Maine
SR-33 Report of the Studies Related to Dredging in Belfast Harbor, Maine and Deposition of Spoil South of Isle au Haut
SR-32 Evaluation of the Effect of Dredging in the Annisquam River Waterway on Nutrient Chemistry of Seawater and Sediments and on Phytoplankton Growth
SR-31 Monitoring of the “Foul Area” Dumping Area in Massachusetts Bay for Effects of Dredge Spoil Disposal on Phytoplankton Growth
SR-30 Post-Dredging Studies at the Charles River Dam Site
SR-29 Report on the Water Quality of the Charles River Dam Dredging Site
SR-28 Site Selection and Study of Ecological Effects of Disposal of Dredged Materials in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts
SR-27 Physical, Chemical, Biological and Oceanographic Factors Relating to Disposal of Dredged Material in Massachusetts Bay – Phase I
SR-26 Oceanographic Factors Relating to the Disposal of Dredged Materials in Long Island Sound. 3. Mineralogy of the Suspended Load
SR-25 Wind and Tide Driven Net Drift in Long Island Sound, Interpretation of Helicopter Launched Drifter Returns
SR-24 Circulation in Long Island Sound Related to the New Haven Dump Site for Dredged Materials
SR-23 New Haven Dump Site Seabed and Surface Drifter Study
SR-22 Oceanographic Factors Relating to the Disposal of Dredged Materials in Long Island Sound
SR-21 Oceanographic Factors Relating to the Disposal of Dredged Materials in Long Island Sound
SR-20 Benthic Sampling Guilford Harbor Dredging Project Pre-dredging Study
SR-19 Dispersion of Dredge Spoil Dumped in a Tidal Stream: Observations at the New Haven Dump Site
SR-18 The Environmental Consequences of Dredge Spoil Disposal in Central Long Island Sound
SR-17 Oceanographic Factors Relating to the Disposal of Dredged Materials in Long Island Sound. 2. Physical and Chemical Characteristics of the Waters Adjacent to the New Haven Dredge Spoils Disposal Site, Data Report 1973-1974
SR-16 Oceanographic Factors Relating to the Disposal of Dredged Materials in Long Island Sound. 1. Physical and Chemical Characteristics of the Waters Adjacent to the New Haven Dredge Spoils Disposal Site, Data Report 1972-1973
SR-15 Benthic Sampling, Guilford Harbor Dredging Project, Pre-dredging Study
SR-14 Dispersion of Dredge Spoil Dumped in a Tidal Stream: Observations at the New Haven Dump Site
SR-13 The Environmental Consequences of Dredge-Spoil Disposal in Central Long Island Sound. X. Benthic Biology of the New Haven Harbor Channel, New Haven Dump Site, New South Control, and Northwest Control Sites, July 1974 (Post Dredging and Dumping)
SR-12 The Environmental Consequences of Dredge-Spoil Disposal in Central Long Island Sound. IX. Benthic Biology of the New Haven Harbor Channel, New Haven Dump Site, New South Control, and Northwest Control Sites, February-March 1974 (During Dredging and Dumping Operations)
SR-11 The Environmental Consequences of Dredge Spoil Disposal in Central Long Island Sound. VIII. Changes in Spatial and Temporal Abundance Patterns of Benthic Molluscs Sampled from New Haven Harbor, Dump Site, S. Control, N.W. Control Sites; 1972-1973 (pre-dump baseline)
SR-10 The Environmental Consequences of Dredge Spoil Disposal in Central Long Island Sound. II. Benthic Biology of the New Haven Harbor Channel and Northwest Control Site
SR-9 Environmental Consequences of Dredge Spoil Disposal in Central Long Island Sound. I. Benthic Biology of the New Haven Dump Site
SR-8 Environmental Consequences of Dredge Spoil Disposal in Long Island Sound, Phase II. Geophysical Studies, November 1973 – November 1974
SR-7 Environmental Consequences of Dredge Spoil Disposal in Central Long Island Sound. I. The New Haven Spoil Ground and New Haven Harbor
SR-6 Survey of Currents, Water Turbidity, and Benthic Biology in the Vicinity of Browns Ledge, Rhode Island Sound
SR-5 Background Turbidity Conditions of Rhode Island Sound and Buzzards Bay
SR-4 Rhode Island Sound Dredge Spoil Disposal and Trends in the Floating Trap Fishery
SR-3 Dredge Spoil Disposal in Rhode Island Sound
SR-2 Providence Harbor Improvement Spoil Disposal Site Evaluation Study – Phase II
SR-1 Results of Studies Related to Dredged Sediment Dumping in Rhode Island Sound
Expand List item 8170Collapse List item 8170  DAMOS Contribution Series



Contribution #

Contribution Title

217 Monitoring Survey at the Isles of Shoals North Disposal Site, Sept. 2022
216 Baseline Surveys at the St. Helena Island, Flake Island, and Frenchboro Disposal Sites, April 2022
215 Monitoring Survey at the Rhode Island Sound Disposal Site, October 2021
214 Monitoring Survey at the Isles of Shoals North Disposal Site, October 2021
213 Summary Report of the Restoration Activities at the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site 2017 – 2020
212 Monitoring Survey of the Cape Arundel Disposal Site September 2020
211 Monitoring Survey at the Providence River Confined Aquatic Disposal Cells, September/October 2020

Monitoring Survey at the Rhode Island Sound Disposal Site, May/June 2020

209 Monitoring Survey at the Cape Cod Bay Disposal Site May/June 2020


Monitoring Survey of the Western Long Island Sound Disposal Site October 2018


Monitoring Survey of the Mark Island Disposal Site November 2017


Comprehensive Baseline Survey of the Eastern Long Island Sound Disposal Site October/November 2017


Monitoring Survey at the Cape Cod Bay Disposal Site October 2016


Monitoring Survey at the Rockland Disposal Site September 2016

203 Monitoring Survey at the Portland Disposal Site September 2016


Monitoring Survey at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal September/October 2016


Baseline Seafloor Assessment Survey for the Proposed Expansion of the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site September/October 2015


Monitoring Survey at the Portland Disposal Site August 2014


Monitoring Survey at the Western Long Island Sound Disposal Site August 2014


Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site Restoration Demonstration 2008-2009

Contribution 198 Appendices


Monitoring Surveys at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site December 2013, January 2014, August 2014


Monitoring Survey at the Rhode Island Sound Disposal Site August 2013


Monitoring Survey at the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site September and October 2012


Monitoring Survey at the Eastern Passage Disposal Site October 2012


Monitoring Survey at the Machias Bay Disposal Site October 2012


Monitoring Survey at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site September and October 2011


Monitoring Survey at the Douglas Island Disposal Site October 2011


Monitoring Survey at the Morris Cove Borrow Pit September October 2011


Monitoring Survey at the Seawolf Disposal Mound September 2010


Monitoring Survey at the Cape Cod Bay Disposal Site September 2010


Monitoring Surveys at the Historical Brenton Reef Disposal Site 2007 & 2009


Monitoring Survey of the Boston Harbor CAD Cells November 2009


Monitoring Surveys of New England CAD Cells October 2009


Monitoring Survey at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site October 2009


Monitoring Survey at the Rhode Island Sound Disposal Site October 2009


Monitoring Survey at the Seawolf Disposal Mound June/July 2006


Monitoring Survey at the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site August 2007


Monitoring Survey at the New London Disposal Site, July/ August 2007


Monitoring Survey at the Portland Disposal Site, August 2007


Providence River and Harbor Maintenance Dredging Project Synthesis Report, August 2008


Baseline Bathymetric Surveys at the Central and Western Long Island Sound Disposal Sites, July 2005


Monitoring Survey at the Rhode Island Sound Disposal Site July 2005


Field Verification Program (FVP) Disposal Mound Monitoring 2005


Postdisposal Monitoring of Lobster Abundance at the Rhode Island Sound Disposal Site in 2005 compared to the 1999 Predisposal Survey


Monitoring Survey at the Douglas Island Disposal Site, Outer Narraguagus Bay, Maine September 2005


Monitoring Survey at the Tupper Ledge Disposal Site, Union River Bay, Maine July/September 2005


Monitoring Survey at the Muscongus Bay Disposal Site, Lincoln County, Maine, July/September 2005


Monitoring survey at the Buzzards Bay Disposal Site at Cleveland East Ledge, June 2005


Evaluation of Field Bioaccumulation as a Monitoring Tool, December 2006


Monitoring Survey at the Boston Harbor CAD Cell Site, August 2004


Disposal Plume Tracking And Assessment at the Rhode Island Sound Disposal Site, Summer 2004


Disposal Plume Tracking And Assessment at the Rhode Island Sound Disposal Site, Spring 2004


Stamford-New Haven North/Cap Site 2 Investigation, May 2004


Monitoring Survey at the West Island Historic Site, August-December 2003


Monitoring Survey at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site, June 2004


Monitoring Survey at the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site, September 2004


Monitoring Survey at the Western Long Island Sound Disposal Site, June 2004


Monitoring Survey at the Cornfield Shoals Disposal Site, June 2004


Monitoring Survey at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site, September 2003


Monitoring Survey at the Tupper Ledge Disposal Site, September 2003


Monitoring Survey at the Cape Cod Bay Disposal Site, August 2003


Monitoring Survey at the Rockland Disposal Site, September 2003


Monitoring Surveys of the Rhode Island Sound Disposal Site, Summer 2003


Impact of Dredged Sediment Disposal on Lobster and Crab Abundance and Movements at the Rockland Disposal Site


Dredged Material Fate Study at the Portland Disposal Site, 1998-2000


Monitoring Survey at the New London Disposal Site, June 2001


Monitoring Survey at the Massachusetts Bay Rock Reef Site, Summer 2002


An Investigation of Sediment Dynamics in the Vicinity of Mystic River CAD Cells Utilizing Artificial Sediment Tracers


Post-Storm Monitoring Survey at the New London Disposal Site Seawolf Mound, October 2002


Monitoring Survey Over Boston Harbor CAD Cell M19


The Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site Capping Demonstration Project, 1998-2000


Monitoring Cruise at the Morris Cove Borrow Pit, May 2002


Physical Oceanographic Study at the Rockland Disposal Site, August 2001


Monitoring Survey at the Cape Cod Bay Disposal Site, August 2001


Monitoring Survey at the Mark Island Disposal Site, July 2002


Monitoring Cruise at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site, June 2001


Monitoring Survey at the Machias Bay Disposal Site, July 2002


Monitoring Survey at the Portland Disposal Site, August 2001


Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site Synthesis Report, 1999-2000


Monitoring Survey at the Western Long Island Sound Disposal Site, June 2001


Monitoring Survey at the Tupper Ledge Disposal Site, August 2001


Monitoring Cruise at the Portland Disposal Site, Summer 2000


Monitoring Cruise at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site, September 1997 and March 1998


Monitoring Survey at the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site, Fall 2000


Monitoring Cruise at the New London Disposal Site, August 2000


Monitoring Cruise at the New London Disposal Site, Volume II, Seawolf Mound, 1995-1998


Monitoring Cruise at the Rockland Disposal Site, September 2000


Observations of physical oceanographic conditions at the New London Disposal Site, 1997-1998


Monitoring Cruise at the Morris Cove Borrow Pit


Monitoring Cruise at the New London Disposal Site, Volume 1, 1992-1998


Application of in situ UV Spectrometry for Characterization of Harbor Sediment


Ecological Monitoring of a Constructed Intertidal Flat at Jonesport, ME


Monitoring Cruises at the Western Long Island Sound Disposal site, September 1997 and March 1998


Monitoring Results from the First Boston Harbor Navigation Improvement Project Confined Aquatic Disposal Cell


The Portland Disposal Site Capping Demonstration Project 1995-1997


Predictive Model for Sediment Transport at the Portland Disposal Site, Maine


Oceanographic Measurements at the Portland Disposal Site During Spring of 1996


Monitoring Cruise at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site, July 1996


Monitoring Cruise at the Western Long Island Sound Disposal Site, July 1996


Monitoring Cruise at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site, September 1995


Monitoring Cruise at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site, July 1994


Monitoring Cruise at the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site, August 1994


Baseline Survey of the Reconfigured Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site 14 Sept. 1993


Monitoring Cruise at the Western Long Island Sound Disposal Site, August 1993


Monitoring Cruise at the Boston Lighthouse Disposal Site, August 1994


Investigation of the Dispersion of Sediments Resuspended by Dredging Operations in New Haven Harbor


Monitoring Surveys of the New Haven Capping Project, 1993-1994


Bathymetric and Subbottom Survey at the Cornfield Shoals Disposal Site, July 8, 1994


DAMOS Summary Report, 1985-1990


Monitoring Cruise at the Portland Disposal Site, July 1992


Reconnaissance Survey of the Historical Bridgeport Disposal Site, August 1992


Monitoring Cruise at the Cornfield Shoals Disposal Site, August 1992


Synthesis of Monitoring at the Cornfield Shoals Disposal Site, July 1991 to May 1992


Recolonization of the Mill-Quinnipiac River Disposal Mound (MQR): Results of a REMOTS Survey, August 1992


Sediment Core Chemistry Data Summary from the MQR Mound, August and December 1991


Monitoring Cruise at the Western Long Island Disposal Site, July 1992


Bioaccumulation in Stage 1 Polychaetes/Oligochaetes: A Field Feasibility Study


Monitoring Cruise at the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site, March 31 - April 4, 1992


Monitoring Cruise at the Western Long Island Sound Disposal Site, July 1991


Deep Water Capping


Monitoring Cruise at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site, June 1991


Monitoring Cruise at the New London Disposal Site, June 1991


Sediment Capping of Subaqueous Dredged Material Disposal Mounds: An Overview of the New England Experience, 1979-1993


Monitoring Cruise at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site, July 1990


Monitoring Cruise at the New London Disposal Site, June - July 1990


Monitoring Cruise at the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site, August 1990


Chemical Analyses of Sediment Sampling at the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site 5-7 June 1989


Monitoring Cruise at the Cornfield Shoals Disposal Site, July 1990


DAMOS Capping Model Verification


Analysis of the Contribution of Dredged Material to Sediment and Contaminant Fluxes in Long Island Sound


An Intergrated, Tiered Approach to Monitoring and Management of Dredged Material Disposal Sites


An Investigation of Techniques Suitable for Field Extraction


Monitoring Cruise at the Western Long Island Sound Disposal Site, July 1990


Monitoring Cruise at the Cape Cod Canal Disposal Site and Springhill Beach Site, March 1990 – April 1990


Monitoring Cruise at the Rockland Disposal Site, July 1989


Monitoring Cruise at the Cape Arundel Disposal Site May 1990


Monitoring Cruise at Saco Bay Disposal Site, May 1990


Buzzards Bay Disposal Site Baseline Study, March 1990


Preliminary Field Operations in Support of Disposal Site Designation in the Rhode Island Sound Region


Monitoring Cruise at the Portland Disposal Site, January 1989


Monitoring Cruise at the New London Disposal Site, August 1988


Monitoring Cruise at the Western Long Island Sound Disposal Site, July 1988


Analysis of Sediment Chemistry and Body Burden Data Obtained at the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site, October 1987


Monitoring Cruise at the Western Long Island Sound Disposal Site, November 1987


Monitoring Cruise at the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site, November 1988 – January 1989


Monitoring Cruise at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site, July 1988


Capping Survey at the New London Disposal Site, February 3, 1989


Bathymetric Survey at the Cornfield Shoals Disposal Site, July 1987


Monitoring Cruise at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site, August and September 1987


Monitoring Cruise at the Cape Arundel Disposal Site, October 1987


Monitoring Cruise at the New London Disposal Site, July 1987


Monitoring Surveys at the Foul Area Disposal Site, February 1987


Monitoring Cruise at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site, July 1986


Determination of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-P-Dioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans in FVP Sediment Samples


Seasonal Monitoring Cruise at the Western Long Island Sound Disposal Site, August 1986


Monitoring Surveys at the New London Disposal Site, August 1985 – July 1986


Buzzards Bay Disposal Site – Literature Review


Monitoring Surveys at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site: An Assessment of Impacts from Disposal and Hurricane Gloria


Monitoring Surveys at the Western Long Island Sound Disposal Site, August and October 1985


Monitoring Surveys at the Field Verification Program (FVP) Disposal Site in 1985


DAMOS Mussel Watch, Western Long Island Sound Disposal Site Monitoring Project, June 1, 1984 – June 1, 1985


Distribution of Dredged Material at the Rockland Disposal Site, May 1985


Field Verification Program, Monitoring Cruise on 26 June, 1985


Standard Operating Procedure Manual for DAMOS Monitoring Activities, Vol. II


Standard Operating Procedure Manual for DAMOS Monitoring Activities, Vol. I


Field Verification Program, Monitoring Cruise on 19 March 1985


Summary of Program Results 1981-1984. IV. Part A, Sections I, II & III


Summary of Program Results 1981-1984. III. Part C, Section IV, V, VI & VII


Summary of Program Results 1981-1984. III. Part B, Sections II & III


Summary of Program Results 1981-1984. III. Part A, Section I


Summary of Program Results 1981-1984. II. Part D, Section IV


Summary of Program Results 1981-1984. II. Part C, Section III


Summary of Program Results 1981-1984. II. Part B, Section II


Summary of Program Results 1981-1984. II. Part A, Section I


Summary of Program Results 1981-1984. I. Overview of the DAMOS Program


Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts Dredging Needs Survey, 1985-1995


DAMOS Mussel Watch Program, Eastern Long Island Sound Disposal Site and Portland Disposal Site Monitoring Projects, 1979-1981


Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Dredging on the Kennebec River, ME


Dredged material Disposal Operations at the Boston Foul Ground, MA


Report Document Page


Sediment Characterization New London (NLON) Disposal Site: March - April 1984 March - April 1984


Results of Monitoring Studies at Cap Sites #1, #2 and the FVP Site in Central Long Island Sound and a Classification Scheme for the Management of Capping Procedures


Wave Climate Green Harbor , MA


Feasibility Study of the Disposal of Dredged Material at Morris Cove, New Haven Harbor


Post-Disposal Survey of the WLIS II Disposal Site


Wave Climate Green Harbor, MA


OSV Antelope Cruise Report


DAMOS Cruise Report August-September 1983


Interim Report on the Concentration of Trace Metals In Mytilus Edulis


Summary of Measurements Made at the WLIS III Disposal Site, January 1982 - January 1983


Application of a Loran-C Control System to Disposal Operations at the Boston Foul Ground, January 11-February 2, 1983


Status Report: Disposal Operations at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site


Study of the Benthic Macrofauna at the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site


Site Selection and Baseline Surveys of the Black Rock Disposal Site for the Field Verification Program


DAMOS Mussel Watch Program


DAMOS Mussel Watch Program: Histological Studies of Mussels from Dredged Material Disposal Sites


Baseline Survey of the Proposed Western Long Island Sound III Dredged Material Disposal Site


Interim Survey of Western Long Island Sound III Disposal Site


Disposal Area Monitoring System Annual Report, 1980. Vol III. Visual Observations


Disposal Area Monitoring System Annual Report, 1980. Vol II. Biological Observations


Disposal Area Monitoring System Annual Report, 1980. Vol I. Physical Measurements


Deployment of Dredged Material Disposal Buoys at the Central Long Island and Western Long Island Sound Disposal Sites


Precision Bathymetry, Diving Observation and Sediment Description. Norwalk Disposal Operation Monitoring Survey Report: Post Disposal Surveys, April 1981


Disposal Area Monitoring System Progress Report: May 15 - July 30, 1980


Disposal Area Monitoring System Progress Report: March 15 - May 15, 1980


Precision Disposal Operations Using a Computerized Loran-C System


"Capping" Procedures as an Alternative Technique to Isolate Contaminated Dredge Material in the Marine Environment


Changes in the Levels of PCBs in Mytilus Edulis Associated with Dredge Spoil Disposal


Chronological Records of In-Situ Physical and Biological Conditions Obtained by Diver Survey at the Central Long Island Sound and New London Disposal Sites


Management and Monitoring of Dredge Spoil Disposal and Capping Procedures in Central Long Island Sound


Stamford-New Haven Disposal Operation Monitoring Survey Report


Standard Operating Procedure Manual for DAMOS Monitoring Activities. II


Disposal Area Monitoring System, Overview of the Program


Disposal Area Monitoring System Annual Data Report: Proceedings of Symposium 14-15 May 1979. II. Biological Observations


Disposal Area Monitoring System Annual Data Report: Proceedings of Symposium 14-15 May 1979. I. Physical Measurements


Disposal Area Monitoring System Annual Data Report - 1978. Supplement I. Western Long Island Sound Disposal Sites


Disposal Area Monitoring System Annual Data Report - 1978. Supplement H. New Haven Disposal Site


Disposal Area Monitoring System Annual Data Report - 1978. Supplement G. Cornfield Shoals Disposal Site


Disposal Area Monitoring System Annual Data Report - 1978. Supplement F. New London Disposal Site


Disposal Area Monitoring System Annual Data Report - 1978. Supplement E. Brenton Reef Disposal Site


Disposal Area Monitoring System Annual Data Report - 1978. Supplement D. Massachusetts Bay Disposal Sites


Disposal Area Monitoring System Annual Data Report - 1978. Supplement C. Isle of Shoals Disposal Site


Disposal Area Monitoring System Annual Data Report - 1978. Supplement B. Portland Disposal Site


Disposal Area Monitoring System Annual Data Report - 1978. Supplement A. Rockland Disposal Site


Disposal Area Monitoring System Annual Data Report - 1978

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