New England Projects/Topics

This page showcases the different projects the Army Corps of Engineers in New England is currently involved in, while others are past projects that are still being used and maintained. For a comprehensive list of current projects and topics, please see our State Update Reports.
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Expand List item 8907Collapse List item 8907  Connecticut Projects/Topics
Expand List item 8908Collapse List item 8908  Maine Projects/Topics
Expand List item 8909Collapse List item 8909  Massachusetts Projects/Topics
Expand List item 8910Collapse List item 8910  New Hampshire Projects/Topics
Expand List item 22632Collapse List item 22632  Other States Projects and Topics
Expand List item 8912Collapse List item 8912  Rhode Island Projects/Topics
Expand List item 8919Collapse List item 8919  Vermont Projects/Topics

New England Hurricane Studies

The Hurricane Evacuation Study Program develops tools and information to assist Federal, State and Local Emergency Management Officials in planning for and responding to hurricanes.

Hurricane Surge Inundation Maps for Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Rhode Island are prepared by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District. The maps were developed using GIS software by overlaying the hurricane surge water surface elevations from the SLOSH model over FEMA LiDAR ground elevations data, revealing areas which would possibly be inundated (flooded) by hurricane storm surge.

For more information, please contact the Project Manager, by email or by calling 978-318-8647.