February 2024 Status Update: Boston Coastal Storm Risk Management Study
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), New England District and the City of Boston’s Coastal Storm Risk Management (CSRM) Study is now scheduled for completion in 2028. Since the last community engagement in the winter of 2023, USACE Headquarters approved an extension from the previous 3-year timeline for study completion to 6 years due to the size, scope, and complexity of the project.
USACE is working closely with the city and stakeholders to collect data within the study area to develop our baseline conditions. Assessments under way include a biological habitat survey, underwater video, and photographic documentation in the study area; a structure inventory of the affected environment; a cultural resource and archaeological survey of the study area; cataloging existing and planned City of Boston development projects; as well as an inventory of subsurface utilities and critical infrastructure. Additionally, we have begun the process of identifying social characteristics within each neighborhood to better understand the diversity of the community. These characteristics include, but are not limited to, the socioeconomic characteristics, housing characteristics, mobility characteristics, and economic characteristics.
We’re using the information gathered above to identify the existing and potential future conditions without a project being implemented. This future without project conditions/no action alternative will serve as the baseline as we look to formulate strategies and build on the work already done in Climate Ready Boston. We will look to the community as part of this process to validate the information, engineering and data that we’ve put together over the past year.
Please continue to check back with us via project websites or email, the next round of community engagement will likely occur during the Spring/Summer 2024 before we start formulating alternative plans to address coastal storm risk in the community.