Former Nike Site - Hamburg, New York

Photo of Former Nike Site - Hamburg, New York

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US Army Corps of Engineers - New England District

Attn: Erin Kirby, Project Manager

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Concord, MA 01742

Former NIKE Site Hamburg, New York

During the Cold War, the U.S. Army developed the Nike antiaircraft missile to protect population centers and important industrial and military installations. The former Nike Site in Hamburg was one of the locations where these anti-aircraft missiles were deployed. The site operated from 1956 until its closure in 1961.

During that period, the site consisted of three primary areas: 1) Launch Area, 2) Control Area, and 3) Easement Area. The Launch Area contained the facilities and equipment required to assemble, test, and maintain the missiles and launchers. This former Launch Area is now the subject of an upcoming environmental study – called an RI – to determine the nature and extent of any chemicals that might pose a threat to human health or the environment at this portion of the site.

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