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Regulatory/Permitting Public Notices

  • NAE-2009-01349

    Ducks Unlimited, Vermont In-Lieu Fee Program 2016 Annual Report. The In-lieu Fee program serves as an alternative form of compensation for impacts to aquatic resources authorized by USACE and/or the State of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation.

  • Proposed Reissuance of the Department of the Army Vermont General Permit

    Expiration date: 7/15/2017

    USACE New England proposes to reissue the statewide Vermont General Permit with a series of multiple GPs covering activity-specific categories. The revised GPs will continue to authorize activities in waters of the US within Vermont with minimal individual and cumulative adverse environmental

  • NAE-2011-00212

    Expiration date: 6/29/2017

    Reissued for Minor Changes to the Projects dredging footprint. Quincy Shipyard has submitted a permit application for work in the Fore River, Quincy, MA.  The work involves expansion and modification to the authorized dredging footprint at and adjacent to Pier 1 to create a turning basin to

  • NAE-2016-00232

    Expiration date: 6/26/2017

    John Fennelly has submitted a permit application to perform work in Buzzards Bay, Westport, MA.  Work involves structures below the mean high tide line to create a submerged longline oyster farm located on a 25-acre lease site.

  • NAE-2015-01414

    Expiration date: 6/23/2017

    The Town of Wellfleet has submitted a permit application to perform work in Wellfleet Harbor.  The work involves maintenance dredging all town-managed channels and anchorage areas in the harbor.  A total of 38.5 acres will be dredged and disposed at the Cape Cod Bay Disposal Site.

  • NAE-2016-00413

    Expiration date: 6/22/2017

    The Town of Guilford CT Engineering Dept., has submitted a permit application to perform work  associated with the reconstruction of Tuttles Point Road.  Work involves operating in tidal waters and wetlands tributary to Long Island Sound to retain placed fill and elevate the existing roadway.

  • NAE-2011-00212

    Expiration date: 6/15/2017

    Quincy Shipyard has submitted a permit application for work in the Fore River, Quincy, MA.  The work involves expansion and modification to the authorized dredging footprint at and adjacent to Pier 1 to create a turning basin to accommodate larger vessels.

  • NAE-2013-01681

    Expiration date: 6/15/2017

    Sacred Heart University - Sporting Good Properties, Inc;waterway & loc: Housatonic River, 1207 Prospect Dr., Lordship Point, Stratford, CT.

  • NAE-2017-00296

    Expiration date: 6/8/2017

    MEDOT-RT 1 culvert extension;Waterway & loc: Unnamed stream, Waldoboro, ME.

  • NAE-2017-01089

    Expiration date: 6/8/2017

    MEDOT-Bridge #3222 replacementWaterway & Loc: Pleasant River, Brownville, ME.