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Regulatory/Permitting Public Notices

  • NAE-2010-02449

    Expiration date: 3/8/2017

    Saint Albans Bay Marina has submitted a permit application to conduct work in Lake Champlain to place and maintain a new commercial and recreational docking facility located in St. Albans, Vermont 05481

  • NAE-2017-00057

    Expiration date: 2/17/2017

    The Maine Department of Transportation has submitted an application to conduct work in Valley Brook, Avon, ME  to install concrete cable mat scour protection for the substructure of the Route 4 bridge. This work is designed to stabilize critical transportation infrastructure, insure public safety,

  • NAE-2016-01686

    Town of Greenwich-DPW; waterway & loc: Binney Park Pond/Cider Mill Brook at the intersection of South Beach Ave, & Laddins Rock Rd, Greenwich, CT.

  • National Grid

    Expiration date: 12/21/2016

    USACE New England District announces its intent to accept and expend funds from National Grid (New England Power Company; Massachusetts Electric Company; Nantucket Electric Company; Narragansett Electric Company; Boston Gas Company; Colonial Gas Company; New England Electric Transmission

  • NAE-2016-00075

    Expiration date: 12/29/2016

    Four Season Farms, LLC, has submitted an application to conduct work in non-tidal wetlands and unnamed tributaries to Stony Brook at a parcel of land between Poole Rd and Hale St in Suffield, CT.  The work involves construction of approximately 45-acres of hydroponic greenhouses and support

  • Proposed Revision and Reissuance of the New Hampshire General Permit

    Expiration date: 12/16/2016

    45-Day Public Notice: USACE proposes replacing and revising the NH General Permit, pursuant to 33 CFR 325.5(c)(1), with a series of multiple GPs covering activity-specific categories. The revision will continue to authorize activities within NH and lands located within the state and its coastal

  • NAE-2016-02210

    Expiration date: 12/1/2016

    New Hampshire DoT has submitted a permit application for the widening of a two-mile section Route 101 in Bedford, NH.  Work will temporarily impact 1.24 acres of U.S waters; permanently impact approximately 3.67 acres of U.S waters; and impact approximately 0.10 acre-feet within the 100-yr.

  • NAE-2016-01063

    Expiration date: 12/2/2016

    Water Sports Center, Inc. of Norwalk, CT has submitted a permit application to relocate an existing rowing facility and retain existing revetments and seawalls.  This work is proposed in the Norwalk River at 1 Jennings Place.

  • Proposed Replacement and Revision of the Rhode Island General Permit

    Expiration date: 12/16/2016

    45-Day Public Notice: USACE proposes replacing and revising the Rhode Island General Permit (GP), pursuant to 33 CFR 325.5(c)(1), with a series of multiple GPs covering activity-specific categories. The revision will continue to authorize activities within RI and lands located within the

  • NAE-2011-1511

    Expiration date: 11/23/2016

    The Town of Edgartown, Massachusetts has revised a public notice to incorporate additional beach nourishment into an existing permit issued September 18, 2014. The additional beach nourishment will consist of an expansion of the existing Fuller Street/Lighthouse Beach footprint. The source of the