CONCORD, Mass. – Restoration of a tidal marsh site in Apponagansett Bay in Dartmouth, Mass., will be completed under the terms of a $68,850.00 contract recently awarded by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District.
Work will be accomplished by Fusiform, Inc., of New Bedford, Mass. The contract was awarded on June 13, 2016.
The restoration of a tidal marsh site in Apponagansett Bay involves removal of earth fill from a section of an abandoned cart path built over a portion of the marsh and tidal channel, adjacent to Star of the Sea Drive in Dartmouth. The earth fill restricts tidal flow in the upper portions of the bay, and the removal of a section of the fill will open up a small channel to allow flow into and out of the upper bay. The cart path contains an historic granite-block culvert adjacent to the work area. The culvert is to remain intact and not impacted from the construction work.
Approximately 80 feet of the cart path in the vicinity of the filled tidal channel will be removed, with the remainder of the cart path to remain intact. The existing fill to be removed has a crest elevation of three to four feet above the mean lower low water (MLLW) and is 20 feet wide at the crest, covering approximately 0.12 acre of the earth-fill area.
The constructed tidal channel will be approximately 65 feet long and have an invert of -3.5 feet MLLW. Stones on the surface of the excavation footprint will be placed along the edges of the excavated channel and near the entrance of the cart path to Star of the Sea Drive. Excavated material will be trucked three miles from the site by paved roads to Dartmouth Highway Department on 976 Russells Mills Road.
Work requirements will be managed by the Corps of Engineers under the supervision of a Corps’ Quality Assurance Representative to assure compliance with contract requirements.
For more information about Corps New England District contract solicitations for work or contract awards visit the website at:
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Release no. 2016-067