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Corps awards contract to design, construct System Management Engineering Facility on Hanscom AFB

Published Jan. 29, 2018

CONCORD, Mass. A System Management Engineering Facility will be constructed at the Hanscom Air Force Base in Bedford, Mass., under the terms of a $16,977,000.00 design-build contract issued recently by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District. Work will be accomplished by J&J/BBIX Joint Venture of North Billerica, Mass.


Notice to proceed was issued Jan. 10, 2018 and preparation to initiate design work is underway. Major construction is anticipated to start about 6-8 months after the start of design work and some construction activities, such as building demolition and parking lot construction, may be “fast tracked” and initiated sooner. The contract was awarded on Oct. 23, 2017.


This project consists of construction of a new System Management Engineering Facility (SMEF) to replace aging structures built in 1953-1955. The new SMEF will be located on base adjacent to existing building 1604 which was constructed as the first phase of this two-phase project. Building 1604, which is complete, created a new 2-story, 30,000-square-foot office building. The second phase will add an additional 40,000 square feet to building 1604. Additionally, as part of the SMEF project, existing buildings 1600, 1605 and 1729 will be demolished after the current occupants are moved to the new SMEF building.


The System Management Engineering Facility design and construction will use economical design and construction methods compatible with applicable Department of Defense, Air Force and base design standards. The project will include design and construction of the SMEF addition, which is primarily office space, new access road, landscaping, site improvements, and necessary utilities and communications systems.  


The project will be managed by the Corps of Engineers and all work will be accomplished under the supervision of a Corps’ Quality Assurance Representative to assure compliance with contract requirements.


For more information on contract solicitations or contract awards visit the website at: www.nae.usace.army.mil/BusinessWithUs/Contracting.aspx.


For general information visit the website at: www.nae.usace.army.mil/. The website for information on Small Business opportunities is: www.nae.usace.army.mil/BusinessWithUs/SmallBusiness.aspx.

Tim Dugan

Release no. 18-002