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Regulatory/Permitting Public Notices

Tag: Army Corps of Engineers
  • NAE-2020-00155

    The District Engineer has received a permit application to conduct work in waters of the United States from Blue Water Fisheries (Scott Flood) PO Box 159, Contoocook, New Hampshire 03229. This work is proposed in the Piscataqua River at the Commercial Fish Pier located at 1 Pierce Island Road,

  • NAE-2007-02926

    Expiration date: 4/16/2020

    The objective of this project is to provide small scale eel grass restoration by identifying and planting eel grass across the three coastal service areas. The success of the small scale restoration will then be utilized for future large-scale eel grass restoration. The prospectus for the project is included, and in addition a draft mitigation plan is available to be reviewed upon request.

  • USACE Suspends use of Nationwide Permits in New England

    The Army Corps of Engineers suspended the use of Nationwide Permits in the six New England States 13 March 2017.  Instead, the New England District will continue using the state-specific general permits which have been in place for over 25 years.  These permits authorize applicants to work in

  • NAE-2014-00151

    Expiration date: 8/12/2016

    SKR Partners, LLC has submitted a permit application to construct a new boating facility that will provide seven boat slips. This work is proposed in North Cove off of Foxboro Road in Essex, CT. 

  • NAE-2016-01181

    Expiration date: 7/13/2016

    15-Day Notice:Maine Department of Transportation has submitted a permit application to place temporary fill below the ordinary high water line of the West Branch of the Sheepscot River at Whitefield, ME in order to permanently remove the existing deteriorated Howe Road bridge (Northy Bridge). Bridge

  • NAE-2013-02188

    Expiration date: 7/16/2016

    The Department of Energy requires an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the most recent proposed route for the Northern  Pass presidential permit application. The EIS review covers the entire 192-mile long project. The Corps of Engineers (Corps) is a cooperating agency with the DOE, US Forest

  • NAE-2009-01349

    Expiration date: 6/29/2016

    Ducks Unlimited, Inc. has submitted a request for an amendment to the Ducks Unlimited, Inc, VT In-Lieu Fee Program Instrument for the construction of the 3 Mile Bridge Road compensatory mitigation site off 3 Mile Road in Middlebury, VT (Latitude 43.96940 N, Longitude -73.15128).

  • NAE-2016-00599

    Expiration date: 8/8/2016

    60-DAY PUBLIC NOTICE: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Concord, MA hereby proposes to replace and revise the state-wide General permits for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (GPs for MA), pursuant to 33 CFR Part 325.5(c)(l), with updated GPs.

  • NAE-2016-00024

    Expiration date: 6/16/2016

    Thamesport Marina, located at Greens Harbor, New London, CT has submitted an application for expansion of the existing marina through construction of a concrete floating wave attenuating dock with transient slips and associated piles; a floating dock and five floating dock fingers with transient

  • NAE-2015-02173

    Expiration date: 6/8/2016

    Gregory Kulpinski, VVK Realty, LLC., of Dartmouth, MA has submitted an application to conduct work in Buzzards Bay, New Bedford, MA. The project is to maintain existing waterfront infrastructure, improve access  for transient boaters through moorings and floating docks, and renovate and restore the