Vermont In-Lieu Fee Program

The Ducks Unlimited–Vermont In-lieu fee Program (DU-VT-ILF) provides a flexible compensation alternative to permittee-responsible compensatory mitigation for impacts to waters of the United States in the State of Vermont. The state-wide program sells credits in four separate service areas: The Connecticut River, St. Francois, Richelieu, and Upper Hudson watersheds. By aggregating funds from multiple permitted impacts, the ILF program can deliver projects that offer greater ecological benefits than permittee responsible mitigation and contribute to watershed level conservation goals.

If the applicant proposes to purchase credits from the DU-VT ILF, the USACE-New England District (Corps) determines the number of credits needed, using the district's current Mitigation Guidance. DU plays no role in any permitting decision or in determining appropriate mitigation for the aquatic resource. Payment to the ILF program ends permittee responsibility for mitigation.

In order for an applicant to purchase credits they must follow these steps:

1. Applicant submits application to Corps showing avoidance and minimization steps.
2. Corps determines if mitigation is needed. If so, applicant confirms credit availability from DU.
3. Applicant and Corps provide DU with permit details prior to credit sale.
4. The applicant purchases credit(s) and transfers funds to the DU-VT ILF program.
5. DU submits a credit sale letter to the Corps recording the transaction.

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