U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, plans to stabilize approximately 1,500 feet of shoreline at the Pleasant Point Reservation home to members of the federally recognized Passamaquoddy Tribe. The purpose of the proposed project is to prevent ongoing shoreline erosion in front of tribal housing, a church and a senior center at the Pleasant Point Reservation by constructing a 1,500 ft. long rip-rap revetment. If the areas are not protected from further shoreline erosion, there will be adverse impacts to the tribal owned facilities. The 36 ft. wide stone rip-rap revetment design consists of a geotextile fabric overlain by an 18-inch layer of core stone, an 18-inch layer of under stone and a 42-inch thick layer of armor stone rip-rap on a 1:1.5 vertical to horizontal slope. The proposed revetment will tie into the southern section of a newly constructed 300 ft. revetment in front of the tribal owned waste water treatment plant. Construction is expected to take four to six months.
For more information, please contact the Project Manager, by e-mail or by calling 978-318-8643.