The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) in partnership with the Mystic Valley Development Commission (MVDC) developed this "Malden River Ecosystem Restoration Detailed Project Report and Environmental Assessment." Restoration of the Malden River ecosystem to the "highest quality that it can reasonably support and sustain" is the overriding project goal for MVDC and USACE. Numerous ecosystem restoration components were developed and evaluated as the building blocks for a comprehensive strategy designed to restore the environmental quality of the Malden River ecosystem. These measures are directed towards the three primary restoration objectives: wetlands restoration, aquatic habitat restoration and riverine migratory restoration. This Detailed Project Report presents, through a plan formulation process, a recommended National Ecosystem Restoration (NER) plan that reasonably maximizes environmental restoration benefits compared to costs and meets the project goals.
In October 2002, the Corps and the Mystic Valley Development Commission (MVDC) executed a Feasibility Cost Sharing Agreement for the Malden River Ecosystem Restoration Feasibility Study. The study considered opportunities to restore wetlands, benthic habitats, and fish passage in the Malden River. North Atlantic Division approved the Detailed Project Report/Environmental Assessment on Nov. 24, 2008. MVDC and the Corps executed the project partnership agreement on Oct. 8, 2009. We are preparing the plans and specifications for the project, which will restore freshwater wetlands on the lower river.
This project falls under the Corps' Continuing Authorities Program's (CAP) Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Projects (Section 206).
For more information, please contact the Project Manager, by e-mail.