At the request of the Bridgeport Port Authority, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District is proposing to perform maintenance dredging of the Federal navigation channel in Bridgeport Harbor in Bridgeport, Conn., which is located on the north shore of Long Island Sound between the cities of New Haven and Stamford, Conn. Goods transported through Bridgeport Harbor include coal, sand, gravel, stone, and petroleum projects. The proposed project would re-establish the authorized 35-foot deep Mean Lower, Low Water (MLLW) Main Ship navigation channel from Long Island Sound to the inner harbor, the 18-foot deep MLLW navigation channel in the Pequonnock River, and the 18-foot deep MLLW navigation channel in Yellow Mill Creek, a tributary. In addition, the 35-foot deep MLLW and 25-foot deep MLLW east anchorages, the 18-foot deep MLLW west anchorage, and the 18-foot deep MLLW barge anchorage, as well as the 35-foot deep MLLW turning basin would also be restored to their authorized depths.
Approximately 1.78 million cubic yards of material would be dredged from the Federal navigation project (FNP) at Bridgeport Harbor. About 670,000 cubic yards of material has been determined to be suitable for open water placement. Of the remaining material, 913,000 cubic yards would be placed into a Confined Aquatic Disposal (CAD) cell that would be created within Bridgeport Harbor, and 197,000 cubic yards of material would be placed into an existing borrow pit located in Morris Cove in New Haven Harbor. Both CAD cells would be capped with suitable material from the outer portions of the FNP.
For more information, please contact the Project Manager, by e-mail or by calling 978-318-8087.