Blackstone River Flood Risk Management Feasibility Study

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District (Corps), together with the Rhode Island Department of Administration, has initiated a Feasibility Study to evaluate flood risk management alternatives for the Berkley Industrial Park located along the Blackstone River in Cumberland, RI (See study area map here). Businesses in the Berkley Industrial Park experienced severe flooding in 2005 and again in 2010. The three primary businesses that are the focus of this study, which provide more than 450 jobs for the local economy, are: Hope Global, Okonite, and the Dean Warehouse facilities. Various structural and nonstructural alternatives to remediate flooding along this section of the Blackstone River will be investigated.

Some potential structural alternatives that will be investigated include floodwalls, levees, pump systems and channel modifications. Some potential nonstructural alternatives that will be investigated include emergency preparedness, flood proofing, and relocation. The selected Federally preferred alternative will contribute to the national economic development (NED), consistent with protecting the Nation’s environment in accordance with national environmental statues, applicable executive orders, and other Federal planning requirements.

For more information, please contact the Study Manager, by email or by calling 978-318-8172.

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