Electronic Data Deliverables (EDDs)

Sediment and Elutriate Chemistry EDD

As specified in the Regional Implementation Manual (RIM) and individual project Sampling and Analysis Plans (SAPs), all physical and chemical testing data submittals must be transmitted in the EDD formats provided on this website. As of November 2024, new EDD templates are provided for physical/ chemical sediment testing data, and site water/ elutriate testing data. Footnotes are provided within each EDD indicating how to report non-detects and calculate analyte group totals. QA/QC samples and equipment blank results are to be reported in the full laboratory report specified below, not in the EDDs.

Bioaccumulation EDD

The bioaccumulation results spreadsheet is a required submittal for all projects that have bioaccumulation test results. This spreadsheet is used by the EPA risk assessment program to assess long term risk of sediment disposal.

Submitting an EDD

Send the following information to the NAE Dredged Material Management Team (DMMT):

 - Final EDDs

 - Full laboratory report (readable/ printable electronic format)

 - RIM Quality Control Summary Tables (readable/ printable electronic format)

Updated: November 18, 2024

EDD Downloads


Contact Information

Federal Projects
Richard B. Loyd
Phone: 978-318-8048
Email: richard.b.loyd@usace.army.mil

Private Permit Projects
Helen A. Jones
Phone: 978-318-8241
Email: helen.a.jones@usace.army.mil