Quincy Shore Beach, also known locally as Wollaston Beach, is located in Quincy along Quincy Bay and parallel to Quincy Shore Drive. The beach serves a large number of city residents and is an extremely popular recreational spot.
The project involved:
- Strengthening the backshore by placing approximately 136,000 cubic yards of sand and gravel and 221,000 cubic yards of sand along an 8,500-foot-long stretch of beach between Hovey Street and the Rufes Hummock Seawall.
- Constructing a steel sheet pile bulkhead, encased in concrete, between Bayfield Street and the National Sailor’s Home Hill seawall, a distance of 5,100 feet. The bulkhead has a top elevation of 18 feet.
- Constructing a second steel sheet pile bulkhead, also encased in concrete. This bulkhead, which has a top elevation of 19.2 feet, starts at high ground at Billings Street and extends for a distance of 325 feet.
- Constructing a culvert at Sachem Creek.
- Extending four existing drains, located at various points across the beach, to ensure they discharge seaward of the above mentioned structures.
- The project was completed in August 1959 at a cost of $1.9 million.