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Blackstone River Shore and Bank Protection Project

BlackstoneThe project on the Blackstone River in Millbury is located at the McCracken Road Bridge, about 2,000 feet downstream of the Massachusetts Turnpike.

Large shoals had formed in the center of the Blackstone River and redirected the flow of the river. These redirected waters eroded a 300-foot-long section of the west riverbank, undermining the bridge’s west abutment and threatening the bridge’s stability. The Corps removed the shoals to restore the flow of the river to its original channel and constructed about 300 feet of stone slope protection along each riverbank. Although erosion had occurred only on the west riverbank, stone slope protection was also placed on the east riverbank to protect it from possible erosion when the original river channel was restored.

The project was built between August-November 1985 at a cost of $260,000. It was constructed under Section 14 of the Corps’ Continuing Authorities Program.