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Machias River (Machiasport) Shore and Bank Protection Project

The town of Machiasport is located on the northeast coast of Maine, approximately 30 miles northeast of Bar Harbor, 170 northeast of Portland, and 70 miles southeast of Bangor, Maine.

Erosion along the Machias River threatened a stretch of State Highway Route 92. Continued erosion and subsequent failure of the highway would adversely impact the population living and commuting on the Machiasport peninsula. Over 300 private residences, one elementary school, a state prison, two U.S. Post Offices, three churches and a commercial fishing harbor would be severely impacted.

The measures, which were constructed in 1994, consist of stone slope protection along 370 feet of the streambank along the west side of the Machias River. Constructed of a 30-inch layer of stone protection over layers of compacted gravel fill and stone bedding, the measures extend about seven feet above the mean high water elevation, providing protection to the highway.