Warwick Cove in Warwick is a narrow inlet lying immediately west of Warwick Neck that extends about 1.5 miles northward from Greenwich Bay. Situated about nine miles south of Providence, Warwick Cove is used by a large recreational fleet and small quahog and fishing fleets.
The project consists of:
- A six-foot-deep channel extending about 1.8 miles from Greenwich Bay to the public landing at the head of the cove. The channel is 150 feet wide from deep water in Greenwich Bay through the lower portion of the cove, then narrows to 100 feet to the head of the cove.
- Four six-foot-deep anchorage areas totaling 13 acres in area. An anchorage two acres in area was dredged at the entrance to the cove on the west side of the channel, across from the public landing in Oakland Beach State Park in Warwick; anchorages, five acres in area, were dredged on each side of the channel in the lower half of the cove; and an anchorage one acre in area was dredged at the cove’s upper end, across from the public landing.
The work in Warwick Cove, completed in 1966, was constructed under Section 107 of the Continuing Authorities Program.