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Stonington Harbor Navigation Project

Stonington Harbor

Stonington Harbor in Deer Isle is located on Penobscot Bay, about 22 miles northeast of Rockland. It is home to one of Maine’s most productive fishing ports, and capitalizes on its proximity to the inshore and offshore fishing grounds of the Atlantic Ocean. Major industries include fishing, sardine canning, quarrying, boat construction, and other marine-related activities.

The project consists of an 800-foot-long channel extending from deep water in Deer Isle Thoroughfare to the town wharves and state fish pier, and an anchorage in the area of Green Head. The channel has a depth of 10 feet and is 100 feet wide for its outer 525 feet, then narrows to 60 feet wide for its remaining 275 feet. The anchorage is 10 acres in area; the outer three acres have depths of eight feet, while the inner seven acres have depths of six feet.

The project provides more efficient access to the port for the larger offshore fishing vessels and increases the harbor’s capability to attract new vessels. Completed in 1984, the work at Stonington Harbor was constructed under Section 107 of the Continuing Authorities Program.