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Public comments on proposal due by Oct. 14, 2011: Corps proposes emergency streambank protection, stabilization along Slack Brook in Leominster

Published Sept. 15, 2011

CONCORD, Mass. – At the request of the city of Leominster, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District is proposing to perform emergency streambank protection and stabilization along Slack Brook in Leominster, Mass.


“Streambank erosion is threatening a public road, Exchange Street, and water and sewer utilities,” said Project Manager Robert Russo, of the Corps’ New England District, Engineering/Planning Division. “The proposed project is to provide streambank protection for this area.”


It is being conducted under Section 14 of the Flood Control Act of 1946. Section 14 provides for the Corps of Engineers to participate in the planning and construction of economically justified streambank erosion control projects in situations where public facilities are threatened.


Due to the emergency nature of this erosion problem, there is a streamline implementation process allowing the project study and design to be concurrently completed. The intent is to abbreviate the time required for the completion of the project. Section 14 requires a complete and comprehensive solution that solves the immediate erosion problem in a manner that does not obligate or imply future federal participation. Once Section 14 projects are completed, they are relinquished to the local non-federal sponsor for operations and maintenance.


The goal of the process is the protection of public infrastructure from present and future erosion with minimal ecological consequences.


The recommended plan will armor the lower slope of the streambank with rock-filled baskets (gabions) placed on gravel bedding. Above the gabions, the slope will be protected with a turf reinforcement membrane overlain with 6-inches of seeded topsoil. Trees and shrubs will be planted on the slope. Protection will extend along about 315 feet of the brook. The stream channel will remain largely undisturbed. Boulders or cut stone found on site will be placed along the base of the gabions and along the opposite bank to enhance fish habitat and provide additional protection from erosion.


Work in the river will occur during the low flow period (August – October). The work is expected to take up to three months to complete. A private contractor under contract to the Corps will perform the work.                                  

An Environmental Assessment is being prepared and will be available on request. No state or federally listed threatened or endangered species or rare species habitat is known to occur in the project area.                                                                      

The proposed work is being coordinated with the following Federal, state and local agencies: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, the Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game, the Massachusetts State Historic Preservation Office, the city of Leominister, the Leominister Conservation Commission, and the Leominister Historical Commission.


The public notice for this proposed work, with more detailed information, is available for review on the Corps website at http://www.nae.usace.army.mil.  Select “projects” and then “Massachusetts” and then “Emergency Streambank Protection Project, Slack Brook, Leominster, Mass.”


Public comments on this proposed work should be forwarded no later than Oct. 14, 2011 to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Engineering/Planning Division (ATTN: Mr. Robert Russo), 696 Virginia Road, Concord, MA 01742-2751 or by email to robert.s.russo@usace.army.mil.

Tim Dugan

Release no. 2011-083