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Corps awards contract to dredge Cape Porpoise Harbor Federal navigation project in Kennebunkport

Published Sept. 13, 2019

CONCORD, Mass. – Maintenance dredging of Cape Porpoise Harbor Federal navigation project in Kennebunkport, Maine, will be conducted under the terms of a $1,677,500.00 contract issued recently by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District. Work will be accomplished by Coastline Consulting and Development, LLC of Branford, Connecticut. The contract was awarded on Aug. 19, 2019.


Maintenance dredging of approximately 30,000 cubic yards of sandy and fine-grained material will be dredged from the 6-foot channel and 15-foot anchorage and channel and placed at Cape Arundel Disposal Site, located approximately 5 nautical miles from the harbor, according to Project Manager Ms. Coral Siligato, of the Corps’ New England District, Programs/Project Management Division in Concord, Massachusetts.


The dredging operation is scheduled to take between two to four months to complete and occur between Nov. 1, 2019 and Feb. 28, 2020 to minimize impact to natural resources in the area.


Natural shoaling processes have reduced available depths to as little as 1.0 foot in the 15-foot MLLW channel and anchorage, and 2.0 feet in the 6-foot MLLW channel, making navigation hazardous or impossible at lower stages of the tide.


The Corps’ most recent dredging of the harbor was in 1976 when a mechanical dredge removed approximately 123,000 cubic yards of sediment from the 15-foot channel, 15-foot anchorage, and 6-foot channel, and placed the material at the Cape Arundel Disposal Site. 


For more information on the Cape Porpoise Harbor federal navigation project visit the website at: https://www.nae.usace.army.mil/Missions/Civil-Works/Navigation/Maine/Cape-Porpoise-Harbor/. A map is available at: https://www.nae.usace.army.mil/Missions/Navigation/Maine-Projects/. Select Cape Porpoise Harbor.


For contract information visit: https://www.nae.usace.army.mil/Business-With-Us/Contracting/. For general information visit: https://www.nae.usace.army.mil/. For Small Business information visit: https://www.nae.usace.army.mil/Business-With-Us/Small-Business/.

Tim Dugan

Release no. 19-077