CONCORD, Mass. – The city of Milford, Department of Public Works, is seeking a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District to conduct work in waters of the U.S. in conjunction with a beach nourishment project in Milford, Connecticut. The work is proposed in Long Island Sound between 110 and 132 Beach Avenue in Milford.
The city of Milford seeks authorization to place approximately 26,800 cubic yards of clean sand over a 2.71-acre area below the high tide line (HTL) on Crescent Beach in order to implement a beach nourishment project. An additional 200 cubic yards of sand would be placed in a .04-acre area above the HTL. Work would commence at the toe of an existing concrete seawall and would extend approximately 300 feet seaward from the seawall. The purpose of the project is to provide coastal resiliency, minimize erosion impacts, and protect the landward roadway and a number of single-family dwellings. This project has been designed to offer increased protection to the area against the 100-year storm. This project was developed in association with development of a Coastal Resilience Plan for the city of Milford that was prepared in 2016.
Work would include placement of sand along this 700-linear-foot stretch of beach in order construct a stable sand berm, nourish and grade the existing beach, and construct a dune waterward of the existing seawall. Sand would be sprayed on the beach during low-tide to desired grades. The project would result in a significant elevation change. The new HTL would be relocated at an elevation of 4.46 feet mean low water (MLW), while mean high water would be set at an elevation of 2.91 feet MLW and MLW would be relocated to approximately -3.38 feet MLW.
The seaward side of the dune would be planted with beach grass. Beach grass would be planted 8 -10 inches deep and would be spaced at a maximum of 12 inches on-center starting from the seaward end towards the landward side of the dune. Planting would take place between Oct. 15 - May 31. Other resilient species would be planted on the landward side of the dune to further stabilize the structure.
The top of the dune is proposed at elevation 9.0 feet and would measure approximately 10-feet wide at its crest; 563 linear feet of sand fence would be placed at the seaward edge of dune in order to encourage sand deposition. Sand fence would be installed prior to planting the dune in two 4-foot tall rows that run parallel to the shoreline. Rows would be mounted to posts set at 10-feet apart that are driven to a 3-foot depth. Sand fencing would be weaved in front of and behind alternating posts. The posts would be pressure treated 2x4 inch dimensional lumber or 3-inch diameter cedar posts. Fencing would be secured to the posts with four wire ties, greater than or equal to 12 gauge.
In order to ensure public access to the beach the city also proposes to construct one wooden walkover over the structure. The walkover would be constructed using five foot wide, 2x8-inch timber mats that would be anchored with continuous nylon rope affixed to a series of four concrete blocks each with a minimum weight of 2,000 pounds.
A new 50-foot wide, 195-linear-foot stormwater outfall extending from the edge of HTL would be installed on the beach face and run in a southerly direction through the dune. A 195-linear-foot rip rap apron, measuring two feet thick, and consisting of 8-12-inch stone would be constructed and would extend to the terminus of the beach face in order to maintain the structure in place. The entire outfall structure would be capped and armored with large, 5-8 ton stones in two layers. A ramp of sand around the structure would allow for easy pedestrian crossing. Natural ledge outcroppings on either side of the outfall shield the structure from wave action and currents.
A 4-inch thick tracking pad of 2-inch stone would be constructed in accordance with the contractor submitted erosion and sediment and erosion control plan. The beach nourishment work would be staged from a barge situated in the nearshore environment. Stormwater improvements and dune walkover construction would be staged from the upland area on Beach Street. A silt fence would be erected where appropriate, according to the sediment and erosion control plan, and turbidity curtains would be installed and inspected daily.
The application for the federal permit was filed with the Corps in compliance with Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act, which provides for federal regulation of any work in, or affecting navigable waters of the U.S.; with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, which regulates the discharge or fill of material in U.S. waters, including wetlands; and with Sec. 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act. The public notice, with more specifics on the work proposed by the city of Milford, can be viewed on the Corps website at
Public comments on the city of Milford proposal (file # NAE-2018-00927) should be forwarded no later than April 4, 2019 to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Regulatory Division (ATTN: Joshua Helms), 696 Virginia Road, Concord, MA 01742-2751. Additional information is available from Permit Project Manager Joshua Helms at 978-318-8211 or toll free 800-343-4789 or 800-362-4367 (if calling from within Massachusetts) or by email to: