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Corps of Engineers awards ID/IQ contract for former Callahan Mine site remediation services in Brooksville

Published June 5, 2018

CONCORD, Mass. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District recently issued an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (ID/IQ) remediation services task order contract with a contract capacity not to exceed $45 million with a five-year ordering period for the Callahan Mine Superfund Site in Brooksville, Maine.  


The contract, awarded on May 18, 2018 to Environmental Quality Management, Inc. of Cincinnati, Ohio, is a cost reimbursable type contract with some firm fixed price contract line items. This is a performance-based procurement with specific outcomes defined in each negotiated task order. There is no limit on the number of Task Orders that may be executed, but the cumulative amount of all Task Orders executed is limited to $45 million.


The former Callahan Mine site was an open-pit mine developed in Goose Pond, a shallow tidal estuary of approximately 75 acres in the town of Brooksville. From 1968 through 1972, approximately five million tons of waste rock and 800,000 tons of ore-bearing rock were mined from the open pit. The waste rock was disposed on-site in three large piles. The outside footprint of the tailings impoundment encompasses approximately 17 acres and contains 725,000 cubic yards of mining related waste (tailings).


Erosion of mine waste (tailings and waste rock) and precipitation of metals in the leachate discharge from the tailings impoundment and waste rock piles has contaminated the soil in the salt marsh and sediment in Goose Pond with concentrations of copper, lead, and zinc that may represent a threat to insectivorous and piscivorous birds, fish, and other aquatic organisms. The ongoing acid rock drainage from the waste rock piles and tailings act as a continuing source of copper, lead, and zinc to groundwater, surface water, and sediment. The Tailings Impoundment dam must be stabilized to prevent a failure of the dam and the subsequent release of tailings into the estuary and Penobscot Bay.


The major work elements are remediation of the tailings impoundment, remediation of waste rock pile #3, slope stabilization of the tailings impoundment, consolidation and capping of the tailings impoundment, sediment excavation and disposal in a confined aquatic disposal cell, remediation of residual contamination at waste rock pile #2 and the ore processing area, site restoration and mitigation, and monitoring. 


For more information about Corps’ New England District contract solicitations or awards visit the website at: http://www.nae.usace.army.mil/Business-With-Us/Contracting/. For general information visit the website at: http://www.nae.usace.army.mil. For Small Business information visit: http://www.nae.usace.army.mil/BusinessWithUs/SmallBusiness.aspx.

Tim Dugan

Release no. 18-050