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Regulatory/Permitting Public Notices

Archive: February, 2017
  • NAE-2005-00658

    Expiration date: 3/29/2017

    Neptune LNG, LLC has submitted an application to work in the Atlantic Ocean three miles off the coast of Marblehead, MA. The work proposal involves the decommissioning of the Neptune Deepwater Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) Port.  The site coordinates are North Buoy: Latitude 42.487, Longitude 70.610, and

  • NAE 2016-02415

    Expiration date: 3/28/2017

    The New England District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers hereby clarifies the federal jurisdictional boundary language and adds a general condition to the proposed statewide New Hampshire General Permit (GP) renewal, pursuant to 33 CFR Part 325.5(c) (1).

  • NAE-2004-0965

    Expiration date: 3/23/2017

    Plymouth County Mosquito Control District submitted an application to conduct work in saltmarshes in various towns in Southeastern Massachusetts. The work involves the reauthorization and implementation of Open Marsh Water Management in order to abate mosquito populations, reduce the need for

  • Proposed Nationwide Permit Suspension in New England

    Expiration date: 3/1/2017

    15-Day Public Notice:  USACE is reissuing Nationwide Permits authorizing work in streams, wetlands and other waters of the US under Sec. 404 of the Clean Water Act and Sec. 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. While nationally the Corps is reissuing these NWPs, the New England District proposes

  • NAE-2010-02449

    Expiration date: 3/8/2017

    Saint Albans Bay Marina has submitted a permit application to conduct work in Lake Champlain to place and maintain a new commercial and recreational docking facility located in St. Albans, Vermont 05481