The Regional Implementation Manual (RIM) presents sediment testing guidelines and reporting requirements for applicants who wish to obtain a permit from the New England District (CENAE) for all projects involving the open water disposal of dredged material in New England waters. It provides New England-specific guidance on permit application and coordination requirements; sampling methodologies; updated reference site locations; contaminants of concern and analytical reporting limits; and species and test conditions for biological testing. The RIM is intended to be used in conjunction with the national guidance found in the Green Book and the ITM.
The RIM requires that all laboratories that submit data to the CENAE have an accepted Laboratory Quality Assurance Plan (LQAP) on file. Data reports from labs that DO NOT have an approved LQAP on file WILL NOT be accepted. Applicants and their agents should verify that their laboratory and any sub-contracting laboratory has, or is working towards, a valid LQAP before retaining their services.
For additional information, contact us at:
Marine Analysis Section
Regulatory Division
New England District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
696 Virginia Road
Concord, MA 01742