About the Administration Record

The Administrative Record is a collection of documents that form the basis for the selection of a response action. The documents are arranged by document category numbers and the types of documents included in each category. Each category number is four digits (for example, 01.08). The first two digits of each number indicate a document category, such as Site Management Records (01) or Public Affairs/Community Relations Records (07). The last two digits indicate the type of document, such as correspondence, meeting documents, or work plans. For an index of all category numbers, click here. 

The U.S. Army is obligated to safeguard personal identifying information. To protect such confidential information, the names, addresses, coordinates, and boundaries of privately owned properties are not provided in this Administrative Record.

Records Management Documentation

  • Menu Item

01 - Site Management Records

02 - Remedial Investigation (RI)

03 - Feasibility Study (FS)/Corrective Measures Study (CMS) Records