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Muddy River flowing through new channel and Avenue Louis Pasteur culvert extension

Published Dec. 23, 2015
December 19, 2015 - Looking downstream towards Ave Louis Pasteur, the Muddy River begins flowing around the recreated historic Olmsted Island after the pumps were turned off.

December 19, 2015 - Looking downstream towards Ave Louis Pasteur, the Muddy River begins flowing around the recreated historic Olmsted Island after the pumps were turned off.

CONCORD, Mass. – Construction activities continue on Phase 1 of the $30.9 million Muddy River Flood Risk Management and Environmental Restoration project in Boston, Massachusetts. On Saturday, December 19, the temporary river diversion bypass pumps were turned off at about 10:30 a.m. and the river was flowing by 11:00 a.m. from Upper Fens Pond to Avenue Louis Pasteur culvert. This marks a huge milestone for the project as the river has been running in twin 72” culverts since the 40’s between Upper Fens Pond and Avenue Louis Pasteur.

Over the past several months, the contractor for the Muddy River Phase 1 construction project has been busily excavating sediment from the river bottom; constructing the new flood risk management channel; and shaping and constructing the banks on both sides of the channel up the twin 72” culverts. Most recently, in late October, the twin 72” culverts were removed and the construction of the historic Olmsted Island began in early November. The completion of the Olmsted Island and its plantings; and the “daylighting” of this area between the Upper Fens Pond and Avenue Louis Pasteur allowed for the river to flow once more in its natural riverine state.

For Muddy River project construction progress photos and updates visit our website at:


If you have questions contact Project Manager Jennifer Flanagan at MuddyRiver@usace.army.mil or call 978-318-8015.

Tim Dugan

Release no. 2015-127