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USACE to close Stamford Hurricane Protection Barrier East Branch Navigation Gate April 24 for maintenance inspection

Published April 21, 2023
Updated: April 21, 2023

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District announced today that there will be a scheduled closure of a portion of the Stamford Hurricane Protection Barrier in Stamford, Conn., April 24 to allow for an underwater inspection of various components of the East Branch Navigation Gate.

The barrier’s navigation channel and gate on the East Branch Harbor will be closed to all vessel traffic from approximately 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. April 24. Mariners are reminded that although the gate will not be visible during portions of this closure period, vessel traffic may not be permitted through the navigation channel due to diving activities in the area.

Mariners and harbor interests are advised that multiple gate operations will also be performed April 25 to 27 to assess the operating system’s components and to capture vital data necessary for maintenance repairs. Due to the assessment testing requirement, gate closures will be occurring as needed between 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. during these dates and can last up to three hours at a time.

Mariners and harbor interests should remain alert for advisories by monitoring marine radios. To find out specific channel closures during the noted period, contact the East Branch Navigation Gate office at (978) 318-8807. USACE officials also recommend mariners monitor U.S. Coast Guard announcements for any messages concerning the Stamford Hurricane Protection Barrier.

Information on the status of the navigation gate can also be found on the District website at http://www.nae.usace.army.mil/Missions/CivilWorks/FloodRiskManagement/Connecticut/StamfordH urricaneBarrier.aspx or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/StamfordHurricaneBarrier.

Anyone with questions concerning the above closures can contact the Stamford Hurricane Protection Barrier office at (978) 318-8370 weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The Stamford Hurricane Protection Barrier protects the shoreline and local community from flooding due to coastal storm surge and extreme high tide damages. The barrier has been in operation since January 1969 and has prevented over $80 million in damages. The project also consists of pumping stations, dikes, and concrete flood walls operated and maintained by USACE and the City of Stamford and provides protection to approximately 600 acres of principal commercial, industrial, and residential property in the city.

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Bryan Purtell

Release no. 23-009