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Funding agreement made with the Connecticut Department of Transportation for permit applications

USACE, New England District
Published June 9, 2020

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District announces the agreement to accept and expend funds from the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CT DOT), to expedite processing of their Department of the Army (DA) permit applications in Connecticut subject to certain limitations.

Accelerated review and authorization is critical to CT DOT's ability to advertise these projects so as to meet scheduled dates for obligating federal funding, statewide transportation improvement targets and accelerated programs. With this funding the Corps will be able to provide CT DOT with dedicated staff to ensure priority review, consistency, and opportunity for staff training and process improvements.

The Corps expects that this funding agreement will have a net positive impact on the ability of the Regulatory Program to evaluate other applicants’ permit applications. No new public notice will be issued if CT DOT increases the amount of funds previously furnished or extends the duration of the agreement provided that the purpose remains the same.

The Public Notice is available online at: https://www.nae.usace.army.mil/Portals/74/docs/regulatory/PublicNotices/2020/CTDOTSecondPN2020.pdf

Sally Rigione

Release no. 20-049