CONCORD, Mass. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District is proposing to perform maintenance dredging of the Hampton Harbor Federal navigation project in Seabrook and Hampton, New Hampshire, and the state anchorage in Hampton. The towns of Seabrook and Hampton are the local sponsors for the federal proposed work and requested this dredging. The Pease Development Authority is the non-Federal sponsor for the state proposed work.
The proposed work involves maintenance dredging of the 8-foot Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) anchorage on the Seabrook side, the 8-foot and 6-foot MLLW anchorage areas on the Hampton side, and the 8-foot MLLW inner channels connecting both areas with the entrance channel, plus an authorized 1 foot of overdepth, in the Hampton Harbor FNP. Additionally, the proposed work involves maintenance dredging of the state of New Hampshire’s 6-foot MLLW anchorage, plus authorized overdepth. This work will allow project users to maintain safe navigation in Hampton Harbor.
Natural shoaling processes have reduced available depths to as little as 1.0 foot in the 8-foot MLLW channel in Seabrook and 8-foot MLLW anchorage in Hampton, as little as 2.5 feet in the 8-foot Seabrook Anchorage, and approximately 4.0 feet in the 8-foot MLLW cross channel, 6-foot MLLW Hampton Anchorage and 6-foot state of New Hampshire Anchorage making navigation hazardous or impossible at lower stages of the tide.
“Maintenance dredging of approximately 150,000 cubic yards of sandy material from the authorized project area will maintain the Federal Navigation Project and state of New Hampshire Anchorage to required and authorized dimensions,” said Project Manager Ms. Coral Siligato, of the Corps’ New England District, Programs/Project Management Division in Concord, Mass.
Dredging will be conducted with a hydraulic dredge, hopper dredge, or combination of the two. The state’s maintenance project involves dredging approximately 2,500 cubic yards of sand from the upper 6-foot anchorage area in Hampton.
Construction activities involving hydraulic dredging will be performed during a five-month period between Oct. 1 and March 15. Dredging of the inner harbor would be performed between Oct. 15 and Feb. 1, dredging and placement activities in the entrance channel would occur between Oct. 15 and March 15, and work on the receiving beaches would occur between Oct. 1 and March 15. In the event that the government-owned hopper dredge performs work in Hampton Harbor, the work would be limited to the entrance channel and would occur between May 1 and July 31, of the year in which the work takes place.
The work is currently anticipated to be performed in 2019/2020. If dredging is not complete in one season, construction will occur the following season within the proposed dredge window.
The material to be dredged is clean sand that is an important component of the Hampton and Seabrook beach systems. It is Corps policy to beneficially use dredged material when possible.
If hydraulic pipeline dredging occurs, the dredged material will be placed along areas of Hampton Beach, Seabrook Beach, and an area beneath the southern end of the Route 1A bridge, which are all located adjacent to the project area. Additionally, up to approximately 10,000 cubic yards of sand will be placed behind an existing composite sheet pile wall built in 2005 to protect the middle ground sand flat. Alternatively, if a hopper dredge is used, the material will be placed at one of the nearshore sites in the vicinity of the project, to include the Boar’s Head nearshore placement site (previously used) or at the Hampton Beach nearshore placement site.
The proposed work is being coordinated with: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; National Marine Fisheries Service; New Hampshire Office of State Planning; New Hampshire Department of Environmental Service; New Hampshire Department of Fish & Game; New Hampshire Division of Parks and Recreation; New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources; State Historic Preservation Office; Pease Development Authority – Division of Ports and Harbors; and municipal officials from the towns of Searbrook and Hampton. An environmental assessment is being prepared and will be available for review upon request.
The public notice, with more detailed information, is available for review on the Corps website at
Public comments on this proposed dredging project should be forwarded no later than Jan. 9, 2019 to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Programs/Project Management Division (ATTN: Ms. Coral Siligato), 696 Virginia Road, Concord, MA 01742-2751 or by email to