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Seabrook Development Associates, LLC seeks Corps of Engineers permit to construct retail space in Seabrook

Published Aug. 22, 2017

CONCORD, Mass. – The Seabrook Development Associates, LLC is seeking a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District to conduct work in waters of the U.S. to construct retail space in Seabrook, New Hampshire. The work is proposed in multiple non-section 10 wetlands, streams and pond located at 603 Lafayette Road in Seabrook.


The proposed work involves the construction of 128,955 square feet of retail space, 424 associated parking spaces, access ways and stormwater management. The existing pond on site will be reconfigured to extend roughly along the southern boundary of the property and will be designed with multiple depths to support fish habitat. In total 5.7 acres of aquatic habitat will be permanently impacted and 1.58 acres will be temporarily impacted.


This proposed project is to be located within an abandoned gravel pit that has manmade wetlands from excavation into the water table. Impacts have been avoided in several locations such as the forested red maple swamp abutting Lillian Avenue. Further avoidance is not possible as a large contiguous building pad is required for this project. Impacts have been minimized by incorporating and expanding the existing pond along Perkins Avenue. Mitigation will be provided in the form of an In Lieu Fee Payment to the New Hampshire Aquatic Resource Mitigation Fund.


The application for the federal permit was filed with the Corps in compliance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, which regulates the discharge or fill of material in U.S. waters, including wetlands. The public notice, with more specifics on the proposed work by the Seabrook Development Associates, LLC, can be viewed on the Corps website at www.nae.usace.army.mil/Missions/Regulatory/PublicNotices.aspx.


Public comments on this work proposed by the Seabrook Development Associates, LLC, (file # NAE-2017-00395) should be forwarded no later than Sept. 6, 2017 to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Regulatory Division (ATTN: Richard Kristoff), 696 Virginia Road, Concord, MA 01742-2751. Additional information is available from Permit Project Manager Richard Kristoff at 978-318-8171 or toll free 800-343-4789 or 800-362-4367 (if calling from within Massachusetts) or by email to: richard.c.kristoff@usace.army.mil.

Tim Dugan

Release no. 17-089