Planning Map Info

The DAMOS Program developed an online mapping tool to facilitate the identification of beneficial use opportunities for dredged material in New England. The tool includes all Federal Navigation Projects that the District anticipates dredging in the next five years as well as beneficial use sites that were catalogued from federal, state, and non-government sources. The tool is an interactive map to allow project proponents and stakeholders to match projects in need of sediment with a local source of available dredged material.

The tool includes a layer of all Federal Navigation Projects in New England. Projects that are expected to be dredged in the next five years are outlined in red and selecting those projects in the map will display attribute information on the anticipated dredging year, material type, volume, and a point of contact at the District.

The Beneficial Use Sites layer is categorized by the types defined in the USACE Dredging and Dredged Material Management Manual. Selecting a beneficial use site in the map will display attribute information on the site including a point of contact. As individual sites are further developed this layer will be updated with additional information on site capacity, material type, and available design information.

Filter tools at the top of the map allow the user to limit the map display to specific beneficial use categories or anticipated dredging year for the Federal Navigation Projects. The pie chart volumes and summary tables in the side panels update based on the current map view and extent selected by the user.

DAMOS Beneficial Use Planning Map


To ask questions about the map tool or to submit information on a beneficial use project contact:

If you are interested in using sediment from our Navigation Program contact:

Due to the time required to permit and design a beneficial use project (2+ years), we suggest contacting the District as soon as possible to request dredged material for your project.