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Regulatory/Permitting Public Notices

Tag: dredging
  • NAE-2023-00927

    Expiration date: 12/28/2023

    The District Engineer has received a permit application to conduct work in waters of the United States from NH Division of Ports and Harbors, 555 Market Street, Suite 1, Portsmouth, NH 03801. This work is located off Market Street, immediately south of the Sarah Mildred Long Bridge (US Route 1

  • NAE-2020-00988

    The District Engineer has received a permit application to conduct work in waters of the United States from Mike Heinke, Mohawk Northeast at PO Box 37, Plainsville, Connecticut 06047. This work is proposed in the Thames River at 1 Eastern Avenue, New London, Connecticut 06351. The site coordinates

  • NAE-2008-00014

    The District Engineer has received a permit application to conduct work in waters of the United States from the Town of Harwich, 732 Main Street, Harwich, Massachusetts 02645.

  • NAE-2019-01461

    Expiration date: 9/5/2019

    The District Engineer has received a permit application from Bath Iron Works in Bath Maine to renew a previous 10-year permit to conduct periodic maintenance dredging in the Kennebec River at Bath, Maine.

  • NAE-2016-00624

    Expiration date: 9/21/2018

    The District Engineer has received a permit application to conduct work in waters of the United States from the town of Sandwich, Massachusetts.  The dredging work is proposed in Cape Cod Bay off Phillips Road, Scusset Beach and Disposal is proposed in Cape Cod Bay at Town Neck Beach.

  • NAE-1995-00955

    Expiration date: 6/14/2018

    The District Engineer has received a permit application to conduct work in water of the United States from the town of Swansea, Massachusetts for proposed dredging in the Cole River and Mount Hope Bay in the waters adjacent to Ocean Grove Avenue.

  • NAE-2011-00212

    Expiration date: 6/15/2017

    Quincy Shipyard has submitted a permit application for work in the Fore River, Quincy, MA.  The work involves expansion and modification to the authorized dredging footprint at and adjacent to Pier 1 to create a turning basin to accommodate larger vessels.

  • NAE-02011-00558

    Expiration date: 5/4/2017

    Hingham Shipyard Marinas, LLC, has submitted a permit application for work in Weymouth Back River at 24 Shipyard Drive, Hingham, MA.  The work involves maintenance dredging two areas in an existing boat basin last dredged in 1951.  Work is necessary to restore safe navigation and provide marina

  • NAE-2011-1511

    Expiration date: 11/23/2016

    The Town of Edgartown, Massachusetts has revised a public notice to incorporate additional beach nourishment into an existing permit issued September 18, 2014. The additional beach nourishment will consist of an expansion of the existing Fuller Street/Lighthouse Beach footprint. The source of the

  • NAE-2004-4187

    Expiration date: 8/18/2016

    The Town of Barnstable,  MA, has submitted a permit application for proposed work in Maraspin Creek, Barnstable Harbor and Sandy Neck.  This is a request for modification to the existing 2008 permit  to allow maintenance dredging of the Mid-Entrance Channel located in Barnstable Harbor.  The town