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Regulatory/Permitting Public Notices

Tag: In-Lieu-Fee program
  • NAE-2007-02926

    Expiration date: 4/13/2017

    This is the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Fish and Game, In-Lieu Fee Program, 2016 Annual Report.  The program serves as an alternative form of compensation for impacts to aquatic resources in Massachusetts authorized by the New England District Army Corps of Engineers.

  • NAE-2005-1142

    This public notice is to share with the public the "STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE AQUATIC RESOURCE MITIGATION FUND, RSA Chapter 482A, FISCAL YEAR 2014 REPORT" and "STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE AQUATIC RESOURCE MITIGATION FUND, RSA Chapter 482A, FISCAL YEAR 2015 REPORT". The program, which is an In-lieu Fee (ILF)

  • NAE-2005-01143

    Maine's In-Lieu-Fee program-Maine Natural Resources Conservation Program.Public Comment PeriodBegins: 9/30/2014Ends: 10/30/2014