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Regulatory/Permitting Public Notices


Published March 3, 2020
Expiration date: 4/2/2020

The Department of Fish and Game is the sponsor of the Massachusetts ILF Program which serves as an alternative form of compensatory mitigation for aquatic resource impacts. The Massachusetts ILF program is authorized by the New England District, Army Corps of Engineers (the "Corps"). A copy of the signed ILF agreement entitled "Commonwealth of Massachusetts Final In-Lieu Fee Program Instrument" dated May 23, 2014, includes details about the ILF Program goals and objectives in general.

Six projects have been submitted as proposed additions to the ILF Instrument pursuant to 33 CFR 332, Compensatory Mitigation for Losses of Aquatic Resources (Federal Register: April 10, 2008, effective June 9, 2008). Pursuant to 33 CFR 332.8 (d), the District Engineer will provide public notice of the proposed addition of ILF program mitigation sites. As such, we are issuing a public notice to solicit comments for the instrument modification due to the proposed addition ofILF mitigation sites. The Massachusetts ILF Program accrued funds from Army Corps of Engineers Department of the Army permitted impacts throughout the State of Massachusetts. The funds were made available through a competitive grant process for the preservation, restoration and enhancement of wetland and watercourse resources and associated upland buffers in the State of Massachusetts. The District Engineer has received six proposed projects from various applicants who have applied for 2019 funding under the ILF Program.