New England News Releases

New England District’s Hop Brook Lake beach closed due to cyanobacteria
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District announced today that the swimming area at Hop Brook Lake in Middlebury, Conn., is closed until further notice. The closure is due to the presence...
USACE hosts open house August 1 in Oxford, Mass., for Hodges Village Dam Master Plan revision
7/5/2024 UPDATED
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District will host an open house August 1, 2024, in Oxford, Mass., to kick off a process to revise the 1976 Hodges Village Dam Master Plan for the Hodges...
USACE hosts open house July 31 in Monson, Mass., for Conant Brook Dam Master Plan revision
7/5/2024 UPDATED
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District will host an open house July 31, 2024, in Monson, Mass., to kick off a process to revise the 1998 Conant Brook Dam Master Plan for the Conant...

Top Rotator

Local bird watchers descended upon West Hill Dam armed with pen, paper and a few binoculars to participate in West Hill Dam’s annual Backyard Bird Count.
Construction of the System Management Engineering Facility (SMEF), the 40,000 square foot, 2-story addition, is well underway and progressing rapidly.
For vessels wanting to enter Plymouth waters, dredging to remove shoals from the Plymouth Harbor federal navigation project in Massachusetts is currently underway and on schedule.

News From Around the Corps

USACE leadership joins DTRA to celebrate official opening of new building at Kirtland
USACE-South Pacific Division and Albuquerque District leadership joined DTRA, KAFB, and Hensel Phelps Construction officials in officially opening the new DTRA Albuquerque multi-use building, June 12,...
Park Ranger profession a great gig for college grads and beyond
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (June 4, 2024) – If you are a college graduate looking for an exciting profession where you can safeguard public lands and assist visitors at Corps lakes, recreation areas, and...
Freshwater snail population believed extinct, rediscovered
Researchers with the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) are working with the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science to examine the habitat association, distribution levels and...

Feature Stories

Summer Seasonal Park Rangers Are True Assets to Our Missions

USACE New England District, Edward MacDowell Lake
Published Sept. 22, 2017
Seasonal ranger making repairs at Edward MacDowell Lake

Summer Park Ranger Emily Acone repairs a bird box as part of her duties at Edward MacDowell Lake, July 20, 2017.

As Park Ranger and Natural Resources Specialists in the New England District, we have many disciplines to manage.  They include our primary mission of operating and maintaining our flood control dams to our other missions such as recreation management of the parks. Environmental stewardship encompasses our environmental regulations -- in particular our natural resource management of wildlife, forestry, fisheries and cultural resources. Other disciplines are interpretive services, visitor assistance (rules and regulations enforced under Title 36), and the administrative work of time keeping, credit card procurement, contract administration, data calls, reports, etc.  Needless to say we are multifaceted professionals within our duties and responsibilities.

Before the larger influx of the public arrive at our parks, New England District’s Human Resource Specialists assist us with hiring our temporary full-time Park Rangers.  Those temporary Park Rangers help us manage the additional work load during some busy times where we typically see construction and engineering projects in full swing. They come to our parks to help us and are tremendous assets to our programs and reflect positively for our agency as a whole. They are the familiar face to the public that come and visit our civil works projects, the flood control dams and our parks. The Park Rangers' time at the parks -- typically three months -- and contributions to our staff allow us to continue working on the various other high priority duties that we manage, and this allows us to meet our mission objectives. I think it is very important to recognize the contributions that our summer staff members make and also remember that they can also be our future leaders of tomorrow.

Our summer seasonal Park Ranger, Emily Acone, is a Biology major at Syracuse University. She has been a tremendous help to us here at Edward MacDowell Lake with our recreation management and natural resources management programs. In addition to her other duties, she monitors and observes the turtle nesting area and records field notes.  She manages the Blue Bird Nesting Box Program and collects data from the boxes.  She also assists with monitoring aquatic and terrestrial invasive plants in the park.  The natural resource work that Emily is helping us with goes a long way with meeting our environmental stewardship goals and it reflects positively with the public. As budgets tighten, it is important not to overlook the natural resource management objectives.

In addition, Emily is picking up valuable experience on the job that will help her with her career aspirations in the field of Biology. Without our summer Park Ranger, we would have fallen short on meeting and accomplishing the work we set out to do for our mission objectives.

So many may ask, what do the full time temporary Park Rangers do?  In most respects, they have many of the same duties that full-time permanent Park Rangers.  They operate and maintain recreation facilities to provide for the safe and healthful enjoyment of public land by present and future generations.  Summer Rangers prepare and present interpretive programs for either on-site or off-site locations.  They update bulletin boards, interpretive displays, and websites.  The Summer Park Rangers ensure guests comply with all rules and regulations.  If necessary, they are also able to provide first aid and CPR.

At their assigned recreational facility, Summer Park Rangers manage the lands, waters, plants and animals to conserve, preserve and protect those resources now and for the future. Other duties can include monitoring both plant and animal pests, protecting known cultural resource sites; and complies with all the safety rules and regulations to keep themselves and their co-workers safe.

New England District’s Summer Park Rangers support the mission of the Corps at all levels. Whenever possible they tell the Corps story using articles, web sites, and public speaking.  They also form partnerships internally and externally to promote the Corps and Project Missions.

Emily is just one, excellent example of a New England District Summer Park Ranger.  If you look around at the other projects, there is more young talent that is out there making a difference for us here in New England District. The Pathways program and Temporary hire registry do make a difference to our success. In some cases, these programs have given opportunity to hard working and talented individuals to be hired on by our agency on a full time permanent basis to make additional contributions for the long term.

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