Concord, MA -- Interested parties are hereby notified that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District (USACE) is conducting a five-year review (FYR) of the Osborne Pond Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) at Joint Base Cape Cod (JBCC). The purpose of a FYR is to evaluate the implementation and performance of a remedy to determine if the remedy is and will continue to be protective of human health and the environment. The review will focus on public education and any future land use changes that may affect the protectiveness of the remedy.
If the public has questions about the FYR, please contact the USACE project manager, Gina A. Kaso, New England District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 696 Virginia Road, Concord, MA 01742, (978) 318-8180, The FYR is scheduled to be completed by September 2025.
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Release no. UNRELEASED